Tree of Savior Forum

Dark knight new hidden class

The Wizard classes have to be the exception since there’s very little one can make of Wizards in myths and especially histories given that these characters (think Merlin and Circe) existed outside of societal hierarchies and in most sources that I know they were often shadowy personages even if they existed. There was never a profession that consciously classified itself as a “Spellcaster” aside from Priests (especially Bokors who used “Medicine”, the African equivalent of Magic, to weave their effects) but most of those cases involve some form of intercession, which is the case in this game’s lore. Thus, Wizards, although they’re considered an Acceptable Break from Reality in MMOs due to our modern cultural expectations about “classes”, struggle to find an identity which is not “synthetic” or “artificial” since most of our ideas of “Arcane Spellcasters” stem from modern Fantasy.

If you’ve noticed, the nearness of a class’ theme to a historical counterpart is more pronounced for the Swordies, Archers and Priests who were part of hierarchies compared to Wizards. The exception to this rule is the Featherfoot who is an aboriginal Australian Shaman/Witch (although their description leans on the edgier side of such examples). Notice that although it has a real counterpart, this counterpart is considered one that operates in the edges of society and is usually a trickster figure of some sort. I would even venture to say that the example of the Featherfoot is the exception that proves the rule rather than the other way around.

TL;DR The concept of an Arcane Magic user has essentially been absent from historical hierarchies and as such do not have very visible historical equivalents . Thus, one can make an exception that mages are unrealistic although this is not always the case.

Personal opinion: I want a Magic Swordsman. But I want it to be a Wizard class.

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Well, Rune Caster is based on history aswell,.People believed (and still believe) that with rune stones you can invoke magic spells
Alchemist is also based on real history, so are Thaumaturges, Necromancers, Sorcerers. Of course thery couldn’t do real magic, but historically those people really existed.

Heck, even Psychokinos and Linkers can be argued to be based on history and real myths, based on the many people who existed over the course of history and who claimed to have psycological and telekinetic powers (even though they’re wrong, the myth still exists).

Just the “threat” of losing one player should not be a valid argument for implementing whatever that person had as a suggestion. Otherwise IMC would have to implement every suggestion every other person will ever have, just in case they might lose this player if they dare to say “no”.

I will agree with both your description about the Runes and Alchemists. As far as I know the former are used as divination tools. I also considered Alchemists particularly in the statement that dealt with people who consciously considered themselves “magicians”. Hermetic mysteries aside, the Alchemists actually either thought of themselves as practicing a science or a philosophy–not very spellcaster-y if you’ll permit.

As for the others, yes, they’re described in one way or another in more or less the same vein, but the idea that the class name as a carrier of theme is not unique to those usages. For example, Sorcerer is a general name for anyone who practiced magic, whatever that magic is. It didn’t have that one-to-one relation to their role in-game as, say, Rodelero who uses a Rodeleine and is a front-line swordsman designed by the Spanish in their effort to revive the Legionaire for the 16th century. Or a Doppelsoeldner who was in fact a mercenary in the employ of some patron (mostly the Holy Roman Empire) and was famed for wielding the Zweihaender which means “Two-Hander” and had a sidearm known as a Katzbalger. The name Doppelsoeldner is a reference to their supposed increased pay due to increased risk. Or, say, a Krivis who is supposedly a Polish Priest and Druids who are Gaelic Shamans and a Bokor as I’ve discussed. “Paladin” was a name given by King Charlemagne to his twelve Champions and appears in the Song of Roland.

The various Wizard classes on the other hand did not, to my knowledge, have that sort of institutional history (except, as you said, with the Alchemists) and the concept of Arcane Magic (magic that does not derive from intercession) is rarer still. (With regards to this latter notion in-game I remember reading somewhere–I think the Pyromancer Master’s Lab–that most magic was part of the will of the Goddesses. Not sure if I remembered that correctly, though.)

Also, for comparison, did you know that Merlin was once described as a Necromancer? I forget where I read that, but as far as my reading goes, he never brought people back to life in the same way that we conceive of Necromancy as it is in game.

I propose Yuri Gellner as PKino mascot representative. :haha:

the game are wishes of imc games, no limits

the limit is a mind inferior

no, for wizard is better vampire hidden class

a swordman yes have magic, you mind is poor

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Pretty unimaginative, but since it’s edgy I’m sure 12yos will go for it.
Also: try to label your topics correctly please, something like [Concept] would help.

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Terror Knight (the one i base my idea for Dark Knight) is all about debuffs, the only “magic” would be some dark buffs, and HP/SP absorb through phys attacks, so no need to go into wizard tree to end up ruining a whole build when using a 2h sword which has no magic attack base

finally u make some smart annotation, vampire-like would fit better to wiz class than dark/terror knight
Also Dark Knight should have access to 2 handed blunts just for the sake it looks cool and maybe for a stun chance with their attacks

As I said, Terror/Dark Knight should be all about debuffs and causing status ailments on AoE scale for minor debuffs and single targets for deadlier debuffs

I think he means Batman