Tree of Savior Forum

[Damage Guide] The big formula, modifier types, and how they interact!

The only way for Elemental Attack to be both affected by T0 mods and Enhance but NOT by crits is for it to be its own formula that is simply added at the end.

Try plugging in your numbers into this quick hypothetic formula:
(((Skill Attack + Attack) * 100% [+ T0]) - Defense) * 100% [+ T1] * 100% [+ T2] * 100% [+ T3] * 100% [+ Enhance] * 100% [[+ Critical Hit] [+ Critical Damage]] [+ T4] [+ EleAttack]

Where EleAttack is:
((Elemental Attack * Elemental Property Bonus) * 100% [+ T0]) * 100% [+ T2] * 100% [+ T3] * 100% [+ Enhance] [+ T4]

Yep, thatā€™s how it works. The damage shows up twice like Energy Bolt and Ice Bolt, but itā€™s really just one value. split in two parts.


Confirming that Elemental Attack does indeed get added AFTER everything, at least for basic attacks.

Curious to see how that works for physical skills that can critā€¦ I know for sure for magic skills the Elemental Attack bonuses are done before the element modifier for the whole skill.

Itā€™s working perfectly fine for magical skills as I have it without placing Elemental Attack within the part that would be multiplied by Critical Hits. I just forgot to add the fact that Elemental Attack is immediately multiplied by the Elemental modifier BEFORE the T0 modifiers, but everything else still follows after, including OTHER elemental modifiers. For example, having 7 Lightning Attack and then using Earthquake on a Lightning monster will cause the following:
(7 * 0.5 [Lightning is -50% on Lightning]) * 1.5 [Earth is +50% on Lightning]

Fireball vs Yekubite (Ice)
48 Magical Attack
92 Skill Attack
30 Magical Defense
7 Fire Attack from Enchant Fire

(((92 + 48) * 100% [+ 0%]) - 30) * 100% [+ 0%] * 100% [+ 50%] * 100% [+ 0%] * 100% [+ 0%] * 100% [+ 0% + 0] [+ 0] [+ ((7 * 100% [+ 50%]) * 100% [+ 0%]) * 100% [+ 0%] * 100% [+ 50%] * 100% [+ 0%] * 100% [+ 0%]]

((92 + 48) - 30) * 150% + ((7 * 150%) * 150%)

180.75 Damage


So, without further ado, I present to everyone the full 100% complete damage formula for all damage types and modifiers in the game!
(((Skill Attack + Attack [+ Magic Amplification]) * 100% [+ T0]) - Defense) * 100% [+ T1] * 100% [+ T2] * 100% [+ T3] * 100% [+ Enhance] * 100% [[+ Critical Hit] [+ Critical Damage]] [+ (Elemental Attack * Elemental Modifier) * 100% [+ T0] * 100% [+ T1] * 100% [+ T2] * 100% [+ T3] * 100% [+ Enhance]] [+ T4]

All thatā€™s left to do is correctly classifying all the ingame modifiers into their respective tiers.

That was easy. Itā€™s just straight additional attack power, nothing more. Probably goes before T0 but Iā€™m not 100% sure. Are there even any T0ā€™s on a magic skill? FORMULA DONE GUYS. WE GUD.

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Just to simplify the formula into something mathematically readable:

{ [ (Skill Attack + Attack Stat + Mag Amp) * (1 + T0) - Defense] * [1 + (0 or 0.5 if crit) ] + (0 or Crit Attack) + (Elemental Attack * Element mod) } * (1 + T1) * (1 + T2) * (1 + T3) * (1 + Enhance) + T4

Or if you prefer percentages:

{ [ (Skill Attack + Attack Stat + Mag Amp) * (100% + T0) - Defense] * [100% + (0 or 50% if crit) ] + (0 or Crit Attack) + (Elemental Attack * Element mod) } * (100% + T1) * (100% + T2) * (100% + T3) * (100% + Enhance) + T4

Since the elemental attack is effected by all T1-3 and skill enhance modifiers but not by crits, you can simply make it additive to the damage after crit mods, but before the other multiplicative mods.


I was waiting for someone to do this. Thanks a bunch! I knew full well there were easier ways to write what I was doing, but I was never good at simplifying things.

At least I can throw the Elemental Attack Formula part out of the post now that itā€™s in the main formula.

Elemental damage is not effected by defense?


Not the Elemental Attack on stuff like Sacrament, Arde Dagger, and all that, nope.

Makes you wonder why Arde is so broken eh. Kappa.

{ [ (Skill Attack + Attack Stat + Mag Amp) * (1 + T0) - Defense] * [1 + (0 or 0.5 if crit) ] + (0 or Crit Attack) + (Elemental Attack * Element mod) } * (1 + T1) * (1 + T2) * (1 + T3) * (1 + Enhance) + T4

Looks like its outside defense to me.

Try punching something high level with an arde dagger?

I know itā€™s outside of defense, thatā€™s what I said.
And thatā€™s exactly why Arde (or Elemental Attack in general really!) is so broken.

I guess I shouldnā€™t use Kappa outside of Twitch, hahahaha.

What does happen if the [ (Skill Attack + Attack Stat + Mag Amp) * (1 + T0) - Defense] calculation comes out negative?
Iā€™d assume it minimums at 1 damage, but hey, proof is important right?

It should just end up with a 1 in that part and then calculate the rest, because otherwise the game would be multiplying a negative number which would get weird really fast.

Will run some tests some time.

When an enemy is stunned Cleave does 300% damage, I believe this is a T1. Sisem has a 50% bonus I think this is T2.

A T1 thatā€™s not a listed modifier on the skill tooltip? Check if itā€™s not a T0, since it sounds very similar to Sky Liner.

Added Seism. Thanks!

Well it says in the tool tip ā€œdeals additional damage to stunned enemiesā€ but it does not mention that it is 3x

Also Iā€™ve noticed that bosses seem to take 50% damage from all sources. Any testing on which tier this is in? (Iā€™d assume itā€™s on itā€™s own)

Yeah, thatā€™s what I mean. Sky Liner is written in the exact same manner and is a T0 modifier (deals additional damage to enemies suffering from [Bleeding]"), so Iā€™m assuming Cleave is too.

The boss thing is literally just an instance based damage halving to make quests seems more difficult. Even normal monsters in quest instances take half the usual damage. I donā€™t believe it applies to bosses in dungeons, but Iā€™ll check.

Itā€™s not even really a modifier. It just halves your final damage outright (probably excluding T4 though), but I could add it if dungeon bosses are affected too.

Both of those might be true. I only took note of them in passing as I was trying to level up.

This isnā€™t exactly true. ONLY Sacrament and Enchant Fireā€™s second hit donā€™t care about defense, and any Elemental Attack bonuses will be applied to those. However, Element Attack bonuses on your normal skills and are still affected by defenses. The formula is additive, so a large defense value can still cancel it out.

Uh, I know? Is my post unclear? Iā€™m aware itā€™s only the additional hit part that doesnā€™t get affected by defenseā€¦

Edit: if you meant my reply earlier where Elemental Attack within the main formula isnt affected by defense, well, no, it really isnā€™t. Defense has nothing to do in that part of the formula, but as I said earlier, I need to do far more tests on what happens when a hit would go into negative damage due to defense. But thatā€™s not defense affecting elemental damage. Indirectly, but only because the damage would be negative.