Tree of Savior Forum

Daily Reminder: FleeTiPi is a Diamond's alt guild abusing GvG ranks! As well Alpha is cheating!

Cry babies… everytime they saw someone smarter and wiser than them they turn in to daddy… sad :frowning:

Lol what’s sad and also pathetic is guilds that has a bunch off cry babies that they don’t get number 1 or 2 for the big TP reward so they cheat aka exploit the GvG system lol.

How pathetic can you be lol.
You call that smart oh please,it’s easy to cheat but to win TP in the legit way is too hard for them.Why you think only the garbage guilds are exploiting and not the top guilds.

The best think arguing with you idiots here,is that you will alway reply lol.Please do so lol,brings more awareness to this thread and keeps it active on the forum page for the IMC staff to notice it.

So go ahead XD reply back now or give me last laugh lol.


So you’re implying that we should all overrun the servers with bots and crash channels when things aren’t going well for us?

Cheaters aren’t smarter and wiser - they just downright LAZY.

I bet you’re part of them with your afk autopot bot team.



To be honest it will take some time before IMC comes up with a solution to stop the exploit and at the same time prevent guilds from doing only 1 or 2 matches of GvG a week and get top 5.

The best thing we can do is annoy the IMC staff with private message and always tag them and every reply we do in this thread.

Furthermore,we should help them by giving them some ideas to prevent all these exploits.instead of always complaining ----b.

@STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Max @STAFF_John @staff @GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian

1- Like for instance have a decay system that takes off points if you miss a day or 2 of GvG.

2- You can only reject a GvG match once a day in case of an emergency,any rejects afterwards will cause the team a lost and the other team a win automatically.

3- Anyone that wants to spectate a match should always have a 5 minutes delay so we don’t get any players spying on other guilds strats.

4- If you reject a match after the first time,not only you will lose points but you will be not be able to queue up again for 10 minutes.Another reject will add another 10 minutes to the penalty which will add up to 20 minutes of waiting time for the third time you reject and so on.

5- They should add a system where you need players to check ready before the queue button lights up.This system will let a minimum of 10 players require to GvG.This is system will prevent those small guilds from win trading.If you do not have at least 10 guildmates online and check ready to queue for gvg then the button will stay gray.

6- Requiring 5 games played minimum a week to qualify for TP rewards.


They should make a minimum requirement for the amount of games needed to even qualify for TP. This is to stop the end of the week last minute Sunday night queues for 1 game to get on the board situation. Requiring 5 games played minimum to qualify for TP at least or something along those lines would be nice.


Thank you

Would you mind if I add that to my list?

@STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Max @STAFF_John @staff @GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian

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Won’t help, the guilds are currently queuing every night of the week while coordinating with their feeder guilds, and rejecting the queue if they don’t get in a match at the same time.

What actually should happen here is that winning vs. these guilds should simply award no points, and backing out of a queue should automatically cause a loss of points.

Beating someone at a higher rank should be worth more points. The main issue is that 1-2 guilds are so dominant that no one wants to deal with them, but if the smaller guilds were worth less points and rejecting matches was a net loss for the rejecting party, it wouldn’t matter, ranks would still hash out.

Read this

1- Like for instance have a decay system that takes off points if you miss a day or 2 of GvG.

2- You can only reject a GvG match once a day in case of an emergency,any rejects afterwards will cause the team a lost and the other team a win automatically.

3- Anyone that wants to spectate a match should always have a 5 minutes delay so we don’t get any players spying on other guilds strats.

4- If you reject a match after the first time,not only you will lose points but you will be not be able to queue up again for 10 minutes.Another reject will add another 10 minutes to the penalty which will add up to 20 minutes of waiting time for the third time you reject and so on.

5- They should add a system where you need players to check ready before the queue button lights up.This system will let a minimum of 10 players require to GvG.This is system will prevent those small guilds from win trading.If you do not have at least 10 guildmates online and check ready to queue for gvg then the button will stay gray.

6- Requiring 5 games played minimum a week to qualify for TP rewards.

And tell me what you think?

@STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Max @STAFF_John @staff @GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian

The solution is to end the instanced GvG and focus on openGvG


Open GvG is available if you wish to participate so don’t worry.

@STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Max @STAFF_John @staff @GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian

We should count the number of days or waiting period before we get a reply from the staff :smiley:

Wasn’t there a post under “known issues”? I looked earlier and now there’s nothing. lmao

openGvG died after neutrality system
They should forget about this ■■■■ and give more love to oGvG

Known issues for months --> bugs --> features

IMC = I Make Crap
They could’ve at least cut off the rewards before the TP got abused to heck. They are paying players to FK up their game.


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I had a theory at one point that Kim Hakkyu actually hates Ragnarok Online and the western fan market. That’s why he never gives iTOS any updates or does anything but continue to milk stupid people. They come here almost every other day on one of those mysteriously obscure moderator accounts to drink the players tears.


The top 2 guilds? I don’t think you noticed but Lotus is also is exploiting by this week.

TeamAqua fed Lotus all week and even in previous weeks. What’s different is they hide who their feeder guild is.


Just about 80% of Klaipeda does it and only 20% of Orsha does it. OP can either point fingers or offer actual solutions. Isn’t it strange that he barely touched the other guild doing it this week or in previous weeks? I wonder who he’s affiliated with?

Other than your opening post, these guys are doing it for a while and most likely pissed off at the system too.

The guild FleeTiPi had fed Asperity, Impetus, and the obvious Diamond for a long time.

If you want the blame approach, OP, it will help if you don’t block out which guild you’re trying to protect in your first screenshot too.

We can do this blame game or we can actually offer solutions. Their system is flawed but it is the system they made. It was never really against the rules. All these guilds play in the system.
IMC doesn’t care enough to fix this fast enough so you can see most of the guilds frustrations fighting with horrible FPS.

You get very few guilds wanting to fight with every passing week.

Banning most of the playerbase will not change GvG. Even if it changes, you will not have anyone left to fight.
You have to keep offering solutions.

Not enough people send support tickets so guilds gave up. If you remember the guild tower/TBL bug, that had caused many players to quit and many guilds gave up because they can’t fill their roster up anymore.

Once they change GvG, it may get revived.


All these guilds exploiting, this is awful. No respect, no shame, all for TP. This is the new generation of players, bad sportsmanship and abusing everything they could just to “tryhard” to be good on a game.

In general, you don’t want people to quit but you guys abuse everything on the game, call it events, GBL, TBL(Practonium Xploit), channel crashing, guess the only one to blame here is IMC right? Seems like your parents didn’t teach you any education, at all, this is why our world is so ■■■■■■ up, it should be reset like Avenged Sevenfold’s song shows on its recent video/album a.k.a The Stage.


lol @ the people that were so invested or looking forward to pvp or any kind of nature

There should have NEVER been a reward for PVP at all. It was the stupidest idea back then and now just a factually proven stupid problem. Never under estimate the power of competitive scumbags.

First, I’d like to point out that my guild (Impetus) only started actively GVGing like 2 weeks ago and we’re still a fairly new guild. We have had exactly 1 match vs. FleeTiPi when towers weren’t attack-able, and their GM left and we technically got a loss too. I have 0 interest whatsoever in match-fixing because I love PVP/GVG and it’s what I came here to do as this game has little else to offer.

Second, are you suggesting that no one else queue because of the risk of being against one of these guilds?

Aqua does not seem to be deliberately feeding other guilds, they’re just a small guild that happens to be queuing.

Of course guilds like Lotus are going to feed off the smaller guilds like Aqua and even mine, that’s not even close to the same thing the other guilds are doing–which is communicating with each other and rejecting the queue if they aren’t against one another.

If we want to participate in GVG, we have to queue, and if we’re doing it right we don’t see who we get up against until we’re in a match. 80% of the guilds on Klaipeda are not the problem, it’s the big 3 right now with their (now several) feeder guilds per. Alpha and Diamond have at least 3 feeder guilds a piece, Crows and Ravens are only fixing matches among themselves.

That leaves scores of other small guilds that are not Crimson and Lotus that have to risk fighting either Crimson or Lotus, another smaller guild, or one of the feeders. The only (known) feeders right now are Aipha, Talt, Asperity, FleeTiPi, and the Crows/Ravens horseshit. It’s unreasonable (and very misleading) to simply lump the other guilds into this mess because we actually want to queue for GVG.