Tree of Savior Forum

Cyberbullying Support Group


My name is Alyosha and I’m a survivor of Cyberbullying.

I am here as a way of hopefully healing my deep wounds and hopefully able to find fellow survivors so that we can help eachother and create a support network for eachother. Through unity we can find strength. I am beginning to learn through my counseling (thank you Dr. Collins) that it’s NOT my fault and I am actually a victim who doesn’t deserve to be treated with abuse. Today I was abused as usually in TBL for not doing well enough to win all of my matches. Unfortunately I was only able to win 4/5 of my matches and I am sorry for my imperfections. But you know what? I am not perfect and this is something I am working on being able to live with. I’ve also come to learn that society sometimes tries to put blame on victims, apparently through something called “victim blaming.” I’ve been accused of “griefing” when I lose my spirit and matches due to Cyberbullying killing my desire to play anymore. I try to play, and when attacked I beging to cry so much that my keyboard and mouse tend to slip beneath my soaked fingers and I end up dying quickly. Unfortunately this causes me to cry even more and I break down… but this has been getting better thanks to my therapy and hope that I can find other victims of abuse to rely on. I know I am not the only one and want to take the first step in introducing myself. Friends, you are not alone, and it is NOT your fault. It’s not your fault…

I want to pass on the first step to healing, a resource I was pointed to during one of my first sessions. It has been a life-saver and I want to pass it on as they say.


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Will I be called a griefer for trying my best? I will think about it and bring honor to my new server, knowing that if I don’t kill everyone in pvp and support my team as well I will still be liked (if not loved).

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Sadly some do.

Cause they like to put tanks in the mall.

On the bright side you wont probably understand most of them. You wont know they are trashtalking you.

The shouts is also entertaining.

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:slight_smile: i see what you did there

Can you teach me how to hook better with Corsair pirate character? I’m told I’m not hooking 5 players at a time like I’m supposed to, so I am a horrible person and griefer. I don’t want to disappoint anymore. :sweat:

Better to have tanks in mall than no tanks or mall.

you CCB LJ ````````````

Worst place to come to if you are afraid of Cyberbullying: This forum.

Sidenote: Is getting IMC’d the same as getting Cyberbullied?


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More like they are asking for smacking rofl.

I mean no offense here but this just a matter of the gaming mind set of ‘git gud’, when down in the mud, one should’t wallow in self-pity, they must stand up, move forward and keep improving.
Although it might take a stretch of optimism, elite players heckling ‘gitgud’ on others can be positively taken as “improve yourself, we’re both human, you can also get to our level”.

It might be better to change the OP title to something else, it can get misleading. I first thought this thread was a troll thread for the occasional personal ■■■■ flinging occurring recently between some of the forum keyboard warriors.

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sorryy this made me lol
the best weapon against cyberbullying is to close your computer.
or cloes the website?
or if it comes to tree of savior change channel?
or if you are in missions cancel chat
i cant believe people are taking internet trolls so seriously. This is like that south park episode.
I hate to say this but you are exaggerating, and if you are sooo sensitive better not play an online game with millions of trolls (or hundreds when it comes to ToS) you should not be taking what a random troll says on the internet so seriously. “abuse” and “bully” are harsh terms.
The only reason you get offended is because you choose to pay attention to these idiots, just ignore them and move on i don’t see a reason to cry and waste breath over internet trolls.
If you think ToS is bad, don’t ever play league of legends.
I think you just need to toughen up a bit. Because if what you described is true, that you are actually crying when trolls troll you in ToS i have to say this is not normal. I don’t think i have ever met anyone who cried over what people tell him on an internet game. most people just ignore and move on


You should quit online multi players games because you don’t got the thick skin to handle trolls and bullies on the Internet. STAY away from forums as well because it will just make you cry more.

STICK to offline games and you should be fine.I dont think A I’s can bully you.

In online gaming they’re will always be trolls and bullies, you can’t eradicate that.We all fell victim to them but unlike you were not weak and take a video games serious,dude I got my real life problems to stress out why would I need a video game to stress me more lol.If you don’t like the environment your in then just leave because nobody is forcing you to stay. Video games are meant to give you that fun factor and if your aren’t getting that then you should reconsider another game perhaps .

Stopping trolls and in game bullies is like trying to stop racism as a whole.

It’s impossible

It’s not bullying unless you end up bleeding on the floor.

Mental harm is a form of bullying iirc @_@…

but lel.

a whole server of people like seifer
honestly if you wanna see the true definition of toxicness, play the EUNE server in league of legends
you’ll burn your computer in seconds :smiley: :smiley: