Tree of Savior Forum

"Cut the evil from the root". Another anti bot (gold seller) suggestion

Yeah, sorry, another topic about it. However it shows how its matter of urgency and great importance. This fight against bot is one of most important fact that is making this wonderfull game soo hated.

So what i think is the problem now? Today is like: “Hum… i got ban in my bot account… WHATEVER…” then just log in another account from 1786354 he/she made before…

Whats the solution i suggest? Make then “work” so much that its not worth the time. Something like having trade limited per “seals”. This “seals” can be lifted by passing some “chain main quests”. So for legit players they would not be too bothered by it but for bot only purpose would be hell do it again every ban. Something like:

*From level 1-50: No trades/shouts/ able to chat once every XX seconds

*Level 50-100: first trade seal lifted IF you do a lot of main quests ranging from lv 1 quest up to lv 100 (legit players would do anyways). This could allow trade X silvers from players and market. Shout once every XX time and normal chat every XX - lifted time.

*Level 100~XXX: second, third, whatever the “seals” number. This further enhancing the maximum silver tradable from players and market, shouts and chat “cooldown”. Once all “seals” are lifted (by lv 200 maybe with quite a lot of quests done) then would be free market (like a normal mmo). Normal shout and chats as well.

more restrictions are never the answer and bots can reach lvl 280 without breaking a key :expressionless:

you want a solution, deploy a specialiced hunting squad of 5 GMs to hunt down and ban every bot and gold seller they come across instantly :unamused:

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Did you read all the post? Maybe i didnt explain well enough? Anyways, Its NOT level based only restriction but level+QUEST based. Or bots can make quests? The general idea is to make your char/team “worth” to be “able” to chat/trade and prove that you are not a bot(gold sellers) and if the gold seller play enough to be able to trade, then make him works soo much that getting bam would be a headache (like making all quests up to lv 200 or more every time after getting ban). All this while for a legit player being a normal thing to do (do quests). Again, after a while ALL restriction would be lifted once you meet the “requeriment”.
As a matter of fact, IMC dont even need to “make” again an anti bot system. Someone somewhere may already have thought a good solution and even there may be some games using it. They only need to adap it.

OBS: while having real people monitoring being the “best” it would NOT be efficient and the cost would be huge. And im sure they dont have spare staff to do it.

bot creators also play their bots to move them from map to map and some do the quests too…

my point is that your idea will piss off more players than it will piss off bot users that only need to come back aster leaving their automated crabs with no ■■■■ given about anything else…

Nah, we’ve already complainers who make a post like this every 3 days per week: F2P? P2P? Doesn’t even matter

People don’t like restrictions.They want the dev to magicly erase bots from the game without being hindered. So you can’t ask the community to be supportive and understanding at all.

One miss step and BAM! ■■■■ storm!!