Tree of Savior Forum

Current meta PVP build suggestions?

I currently just started the game for abt 2 weeks. With the recent rank recent and having insufficient knowledge towards the game? I need helps and suggestions on how to build my mage path or whether i should use a rank reset. I mainly would like to focus on PvP. And whether to reset to full con? (Currently con 50)

Currently Wiz3-link-kino-necro2.

Is necro good still viable in PvP? or not good to begin with?

Appreciate your suggestions.

For PvP - go cleric2-diev3-oracle-kabba-inquisitor - best PvP build ever. If as wizard - go any build with psy2-3 and sage(chrono3 is also ok), and hope your team has an inquisitor described above, then you most likely win because revenge sevenfold will kill 2-3 players automatically.

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With the new necklace, your opinionon pyro before psy ? What would u recommend before psy and sage?

BTW, full con?

Full con, yes. Pyro is just not a PvP class, even with agny. Some people play wiz3-psy3-warlock-sage, this one is ok for TBL.

I am actually interested in that; Wiz3psy3warlocksage

how is that build doing in both pve and pvp?

Very good in PvP, mostly because of Psy3 and Sage. Not that very usefull in party before you become Sage, but not completely bad. But this is how this game works. If you want to be usefull and best in every situation in PvE, PvP, boss, solo and party - play Cleric. This game is Tree of Clerics after rank8.


lol tree of cleric indeed…

like it;s weird how a support class can do EVERYTHING. lol

let’s see what the balancing IMC promises will be…

like RO is better in that regard, cos those who take support priest route are NOT able to kill anything unless against undead armor/mobs… :c

In 5vs5 TBL that if you win is mostly defined by if your enemy team has c2-diev3-oracle-kabba-inquisitor. The only counter mage class is psy2-3-sage(protects from magic missile from inquisitor which deals like 30k damage), though you should be playing very carefull, since inquisitor birdies and r7f can one-shot you.
Gladly, they made is so than Ausrine no longer gives status immunity, so if you have like necro1 you can throw flesh cannon and wipe 8 status protection out of 12 offered by oracle, and the rest might be removed.
Also, we get more and more Miko, which dispell everything by hit in melee range.

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lol retarded how a support can deal damage and wiz gets no dmg at rank8 at all lol.

like and diev just got ninja buffed- statues cant be knocked around;… and they dont even take that long to cast it compared to elem’s meteor or runecaster’s spells which do ■■■■… lool

Believe me, this knockback has never been an issue in PvP. The only OP statue was Ausrine, the others were ok and somehow playable against. Now that you need both Aus and status immunity has made everything much more easy, but still diev-kabba-inq is too OP. While the other combinations are completely ok, because they either lack party god-mode, or party status immunity, or party-one-shot reflect, or damage(pd2 damage is nothing and avoidable compared to kabba-inq in PvP), or one-shot mage mines, or are completely useless like monk-pala-inq builds.

haha oh yea sorry i got off topic , i was talking about PvE regarding the statue knockback; last mission we had cryokino elememe rangerc3 a swordie and a diev ; and the diev just gets 1 in dps ranking for all 4 bosses lol