Tree of Savior Forum

Current Game Issues

welcome to the collection

Damn! DPS Meta is such a huge issue.
We forgot about it as well. Thanks for bringing that up dude.
And no I’m not mocking here!

Being relevant with all classes at end-game is important for a game with so many classes. Obviously it’s impossible to make all of them top tier at specific tasks but at least being relevant enough so that we don’t see “Pelta/Ele/Heals” in the shout chat recruitment all the time.

Sadhu living the sad life.

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i see what you did there (list is growing, huehuehue)
((hue is among the listed issue, im flattered))

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Queue the SADhu music!

Had to do it:


Official thread soundtrack added ✓
thank you for the assistance


This is my favorite thread.
Theme music fits perfectly well done. Good pick.

suggest to Staff/GM if you come across this,

its almost high time we have a pinned known-issue thread.

the one you had is not updated and far from reflecting the actual ingame experience.

for the love of hue, add silute server rolocation to list, thanks

and our favourite, siete - latency complain.


Potato servers are basically latency issues but I’ll add it anyway to make the list look bigger.

*Also if this were to be pinned for some god who knows reason (too many memes) I would probably make it with less jokes.

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Make a legit one and post it. We keep it down a notch there. Here we unleash the Hu3nation. I’m actually making a theme video for this thread cause I got inspired.

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Very interested hue hue hue

thanks for the new copy paste meme sir
thanks for raising awarness~


Huehuehue, it means many people outside the forums don’t like the state of game, and they are not vocal minority which some white knights like to claim :slight_smile:


Maybe It’ll become something like that meme where people copy paste “We don’t wan’t new content or events just fix fps/game.”


woot, mate, you salty people copy paste?

i thought we just doing this for awareness…

like, is there even merit for doing these… lulz

i saw he copy the Hue as well~

yey~ more hue~ more colorful~


No I actually wan’t it to raise awareness if, no salt, just reread, I want it to be a meme, just a sadboy



oh, my bad, i thought u being sarcastic…

u sincerely thanking people for the spread~

my bad


if that seems sarcastic I better rewrite it, I don’t want to look like a ego head like some of this forum
no sarcasm
much love hue boy~


add daily stuff and transcendence system plz

ask for forgiveness to @kinyau87 and i’ll add it.
(On a serious note, explain to me the issues of the transcendence system as I am unaware of what the issue there is.)

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