Tree of Savior Forum

Cube Lv240 dropped in Sjarejo Chamber (HG Lv230)

Today was farming Armor Cubes at Sjarejo Chamber (HG Lv230) that supose to drop Lv230 Armor Cube looking for Suurit Plate Pants and Keyarc Leather Gloves.

I got my first cube at that HG (Sjarejo Chamber), an Armor Cube Lv240 wich supose to drop at HG 240 (Netanmalek Mausoleum) and when i was opening it i realized that that shouldnt drop at this dungeon and got Pralek Robe from 240 cube.

Thats really anoying because cubes are not so easy to get and isnt so easy for me to kill that mobs with my class.

Dont know if that supose to happen, it was a bug or just bad luck?. Have this happen to someone else?

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