Tree of Savior Forum

Cryomancer skill points and build help pls

Ice blast or ice pike? wich is better to invest?
afteer ice wall changes is worth invest a lot of points in ice wall?

and also wich build is better for pve content…aa

do i will have issues to cast omji skills without surespell?

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frost pillar 5 - for duration

snow rolling 10 - crowd control

sub zero shield 10 - for mob defense, freezes them (in some cases kills them if the reflected attack exceed their HP)

ice pike 1 (or 10 if you want to rely on it) - you just need this to freeze stuff an use other skills to finished them off for the frozen status damage buff

ice bolt 1 - for single target freezing, so you wouldn’t have to waste aoe freezing spells

you have 18 points left for

ice wall
ice blast
ice pike

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Onmyoji without surespell and quickcast can work, but its a lot better with them. So slow…

This sounds good.
Ice Pike is a really nice skill, i’d put leftover points in it, can do good dmg at Max (but ofc not needed).

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But why sub zero shield? no dmg at all…

i dont know wich aplly more dmg, ice blast or ice pike…

ice wall is affected by pp right?

subzero shield has pretty nice reflect damage tbh
plus the fact that it freezes those who attack when you’re getting mobbed

well, here’s the thing.

ice blast looks cool

but you have other non-cryo skills benefiting better from the frozen status damage buff than that

it also cancels the frozen status, it kind of suggest that ice blast is good while you don’t have other skills that benefit from the freeze, but in the long run you may want to graduate from it

but if you ask mi, if you like the coll effect, then why not? :}

one nice thing about ice pike is that the dmg is instantaneous and with a very long range (like pole of agony)

yes, ice wall is most effective on psychic pressure

ice blast and pike are dmg… subzero will just reflect bit of dmg, and freeze, freeze does not give me dmg since i dont have any lightning dmg in both builds

But wich inflicts the dmg? the lvl of pp or ice wall? i returned to the game these days im bit lost with the new ice wall

i don’t have the psychic pressure combo to answer that

but yeah, i kind of forgot i was using hydra cards to increase my dmg on frozen enemies.

by freezing enemies with subzero shield, you get a better chance on jumping out of mobs

also your team will benefit from the freeze if they have lighting skills or enchant lightning

ice blast basically takes that fun away for lighting and hydra card users but it is a nifty skill if ever you want to unfreeze something OwO i think i should get at least level 1 ice blast then OwOb

the % of dmg of ice blast is so much higher than ice pike c: i checked now…

im really confused witht this new ice wall and i dont know how much points invest

yeah but as i said, ice blast unfreezes stuff, so it might not be ideal in the long run
ice pike freezing enables you to buff your other skills when you use hydra cards + being lightning enchanted OwO

Could still be good, though if you use it while Pillar is active or against enemies near an Ice Wall segment. Since pillar has 100% freeze rate, the one-time freeze-removal of Ice Blast won’t be too much of a problem. Although, for a skill that requires 15 points, its kind of underwhelming.

not to mention the rate of recast

if you have warlock skills or shadowmancers that would benefit more from freeze + hydra

Let me ask you cryo with experiences, what would be a good level for ice wall? I feel like 16 tiles may be a bit too much, yet I dunno what is considered too little.

And if I have psyho3 with PP, what would be the suggested ice wall level?


yeah, i have the saje issue… seems the low lvls on ice wall means less time of active walls, i really dont understand that, oy may just break the walls, idk

If you have kino3 lv12 PP can hit 16 target, but the hit Box is small, you need onmyoji with firefox increase range PP attribute to can hit almost all the Wall, otherwise create a 9 cells Wall is good for a usual Pp+icewall

So… level 8 ice wall right?

Max the level of ice wall and turn off auto tile select.

This is without onmyo.

My build is:

Ice Pike (7) - amazing AoE that freezes everything that isn’t a boss or an elite; best followed by Electrocute (if you have Ele in your build)
Ice Wall (10) - not only allows to block stuff, but everything that’s cast at it will reflect damage to the enemies; again best followed by Electrocute (boss destroyer)
Ice Blast (3) - pathetic damage, but useful when you have nothing else to do
Subzero Shield (10) - need 10 or zero, but 10 greatly reduces the offense of your enemies (60% chance to freeze anything that attacks you)
Snow Rolling (10) - huge CC with high damage rate
Frost Pillar (5) - changed from CC to pure damage, use Ice Blast on affected monsters to damage them furthermore (since the pillar will refreeze them)

And sorry… Onmyoji means Quickcast + Surespell, so you want either Wiz3 or RC in your build. For a kino/onmyoji build, I’d go with pyro anyway.

OMFG AMAZING, i will try this late and give u a reply thanx <3

where can i turn off auto tile select?

You can turn off auto select tiles for ice wall in settings.

Do note that you must jump in the corner like in the video. Im using cryo 3 kino 3 shadow 2, it is my main and this is in my rotation.

Can u explain better how its works? pls