Tree of Savior Forum

Cryomancer skill points and build help pls

since i have my ice queeen and i m happy with her:
ice pillar - all possible points - 5
snow rolling - 10
ice shield - 10 or 0 if You dont want to feel the pain of using skill every 40 second, great skill in my opinion
ice pike - 1 great skill, fine to max it, but level 1 + ice blast is better
ice bolt 0 or 1 - for me its 0,but i hear stories about faster cast than long time ago
ice wall 8-10 - depends on Your needs i have 8 and its fine, great with ice blast, meele teammates and good alone
all points You have left into ICE BLAST - no need to be maxed, very good %dmg per point.
Have fun playing.

i really cant agree with you guys, ice shield is so meh for dmg

Cryomancer is not DPS class (he have blue color) ice shield is amazing but if You expect damage from ā€œice shieldā€ i think i canā€™t help :smiley:, give this skill a chance in levels 300+ You dont regret this

Its just like in the video, use keyboard mode.

can u explain pls, the differrence between tile selection on and off?

cuz i cant see the difference

The purpose of the shield is clearly not the damage, because yes itā€™s pathetic. Its purpose is having a counterattack that freezes enemies 60% of the time when the skill is at 10/10.

yeahā€¦ this seems just worth if u are enchanter, or something focused on lightning dps

freeze for just what?

Minions freezed cant attack, they sufffer more dmg from strike type attacks, they cant move, You can use ice blast on frozen enemies, if You got high dps after just 1 AoE mobs will like You very mush, did You even tryed shield? even in 60 level locations You can just lure a lot of mobs, and even if You dont feeel anything look how offen they cant move, and imagine that on level 300+

If you have it on, holding down a directional button will generate multiple inputs.
When off, one key press is equal to one wall formation, this is essential if you want to form walls quickily. I memorised and trained muscle memory for different orientations.

I didnt know about strike attacks, thnx for telling me
can u list some strike type?

is that option right? sorry i cant see the difference <.< maybe im little dumb, sorry for this =(

Reviving the thread.

  1. What determine ice shard damage? And does it carry all elemental additional damage like enchant lightning and blessing?

  2. Is the ice wall hp difference for lvl 10 and 15? I know it will be less damage but can I hit as much as lvl 10 vs 15?

  3. Reason for cryo2 instead of 3 is because I donā€™t want to bother drawing the ice cause it might get interrupted in velco. And if I just draw a straight line, I wonā€™t be able to utilize all the shard that spawned the furthest.

  4. Should I even bother to include RC just for rune of ice? Such long cooldown.

  1. Ice shard damage=magic attack damage factored in with targetā€™s magic defense. Blessing and enchant lightning are added in after said calculation and are affected by property of mobs.

  2. Yes, there is hp difference for ice wall level 10 vs level 15. I want to try this out if bitergenia procs on icewall as a physical attack, it might trigger ice wall shards. If you have an inquisitor with breaking wheel, itā€™s AOE will trigger the ice wall shards. Do note that only physical attacks and psychic pressure proc ice wall shards.

  3. Good point.

  4. No, its not worth it at all. 50% additional damage is just not worth that one circle if it prevents you from getting full rank 8 c2 classes, namely enchanter, sage or shadow 2.

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  1. Hmm then I probably have to go cryo3 and practise a simple ice wall draw. I was planning to go cryo2-pyro1 just for scroll crafting. Also I donā€™t have to feel guilty using new pyro costume on this char.

New set of question :smile:

  1. As you pointed above on ice wall setting, can you post screenshots where to find the auto setting? I canā€™t find it.

  2. Snow rolling bug - Where the ball animation ended and I canā€™t move around anymore. Is there a way to prevent this or I just donā€™t have to fully charge the skill? Like level 5 only. I think snow rolling still has some use on early stage of velco.

  3. Revealing my build - Currently Iā€™m a cryo3-chrono3-enchanter2(sadly I donā€™t have the chance to test this in velco yet). I guess Iā€™m making a new cryo3-linker3-enchanter2.

  4. The secret I found yesterday was, Frieno set make the shard flying around(probably like breaking wheel) and outdamage a better gear dps in CM stage 6-7. So Iā€™m very excited to build this character properly for velco. Linker3 is there due to demand and magic atk buff plus magic def reduction. This will allow me to compete top dps while giving decent support/utility in party.

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  1. auto cell selection is in settings, top left side

  2. not sure about this, but it might be due to a mob getting knock backed while in snow rolling.

  3. how are you going to trigger ice wall shards consistently though?

  4. The ice wall meme builds are just memes, they dont actually pan out very well. A lot of other builds out dps you. I have +16 primus raffye staff trans 10 and i might be able to out burst some builds, but a sw hitting 777k each line with multiple lines, eg. doppels or murmillos. will out dps me anytime. The build is a meme.

EDIT: I actually like ice wall meme build, mine is cryo 3 kino 3 shadow 2. I dont really know how shadow 3 will play out in rank 10 but if devs dont buff or make ice wall meme viable/competitive, then im going to stop and just go with elememe build (probably sage because of how its damage looks).

I have the same build as u, imt no well geared yet, finishing my solmiki set, but since u havee 16 primusā€¦
Are u able to velfocer? have u ever tried? Do u see ur build shining at cm 6-7?
I love cryo so much, but seems that any other of my mage outperform this build, its sadly :frowning:

about rank 10 new shadow skill seems trash, but im curious about the shadow condesation attribute, i love this skills, but unfortunately its weak

Resonante, sorry for been maybe annoying, but can u do a video showing the difference between auto tiles on and off? ive tried to see a point so many times and i could notā€¦
U move the tiles so fast, and with a lot of precision jesus

  1. Found it, Thankss.

  2. Yeah kinda agree, Iā€™ll just use very low lvl so i wonā€™t stuck for long.

  3. Check pm.

  4. Check pm.

How the hell do you pull out Ice Wall since the last update? Whatever I do (choose direction, click with mouseā€¦) I only get one squareā€¦

I used keyboard and I have no issue.

Auto tile - while holding ice wall button, use arrow button to draw. Less accurate as it auto draw too fast.

Manual tile - same as above but you need to spam arrow button 1 by 1. More accurate.

I think using mouse is the easiest to draw but I wonā€™t bother since I already too comfy with playing keyboard.

jesus i really cant understand i think i will give up

I use keyboard mode to cast ice wall. Hold ice wall key. Press arrow keys, 1 arrow key press is one direction of 1xicewall placed.

Auto cell selection makes it so everytime you hold an arrow key, the game automatically inputs icewalls in said direction at a rate stated in the bar slider.