Tree of Savior Forum

Cryomancer + rune caster build help?

I made this build which I will use in IOP
I do not know if it worth take the rune caster + wiz c3 just for isa someone help me?
here the build

Surespell prevents your spells being interrupted by enemy attacks, not from crowd control. If you get knocked down / silenced / dazed / or anything else, you spell will be canceled.
Rune Caster is a good way to have fun with your friends, but in most of the cases, it’s useless.

The Wiz 3 is so he doesn’t need to sit there for 8 seconds casting Isa. It’d be a 4 second cast time with quick cast. Either way, I don’t know anyone who’s played around with Rune caster, but Cryo 3’s skills are great CC. Frost pillar at max can be enough to protect you for the full cast of Isa if you position properly.

Frost pillar will always be up before Isa, so that should work out. If you plan on playing like that then you can drop the extra wiz ranks in exchange for cryo3 and some other filler.

Personally, I reccomend Wiz -> Cryo -> psycho -> cryo3 -> Rune -> Warlock
But that’s just like, my opinion man :no_mouth:

With Reflect Shield you won’t be knocked down nor up but the rest of aliment status may interrupt you like stun,silence,poison,etc.

No, I’ve been grinding a lot of mobs have those cc and i can confirm with sure spell as long as you still hold the skills buttons they won’t be cancelled by knockdown/knockback (not so sure about others cc but i think its the same).

edit: But only for normal cast skills like ele’s though. Channeling skills like Psychic Pressure, Blood Bath are still vulnerable to CCs.

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yep, I was impatient (so much so I opened the skill sim myself instead of clicking his link) and didn’t realize that Isa’s duration scaled with level, thinking it only lasted 10s at all ranks, which would force mid-combat casting almost always for non-faceroll content.

Picking up elementalist for hail, frost cloud, and ice bolt 2.0 freezing sphere can help make best use of isa’s uptime.

Now that I think about it, Rune has this fancy attribute

So even if he doesn’t get wiz 3 he still has a 50% chance to get 10% off his cast times.

I don’t know I’d be broken between just going Cry3 for the CC letting your party break your walls.

I actually don’t mind the Wiz3… But that’s because I would be looking to post 280 content. Long as you keep that 50% dmg buff it’s not going to be bad. I would also check if the multiplier is additive or multiplicative with Ice Rune… I assume it’s additive though. Otherwise I bet we’d have heard about it! xD

The counter argument to Wiz is that you’re only saving yourself 4 seconds. And if you’re gemmed up and have divine might going. The Ice rune is going to last you 70 seconds.

If you party with a Chronomancer you get CD of 180, 3 Pass spells cast per CD and then -the duration… Gives you Pass and then minus the duration 70.

And you get a 35 second CD with 70 second duration.

If you’re playing under the effect of a Diev statue and a Chronomancer you have 100% uptime on Ice Rune. So there is potential to use Rune Casters as DPS if you want.

your build and alot of other builds would make sense…
the problem is its focused on the rune caster class which imo is not a good class. like it buffs dmg to cyro, but dmg isnt the point of cyros…
also its hidden so who knows if u can get it easily.

thank you guys, to tell the truth I did not expect to use rune caster to do damage, i just take the skills thinking it would be worth to use them.
so i change my build to this:

assuming the sure spell can stop the Psychic Pressure from begin canceled… if not ill just remove wizz 2 and put it in psy…
thank guys.
ah about the cryo+elementalist, ive read that isa dont work with the ice skills from elementalist for some reason, if work ill just do the wiz3>ele3>rune… probably… im almost droping the rune caster… but i like the cloth so…
thank again guys and sorry for my english

get subzero shield and gust.
basically this is a full support build, so psycho should only be used for swap tele as its main focus if you want to go for psycho. your wiz2 is not for PP but for the 8 second rune casting spell. its up to you if u think its worth it…

if u do wiz3>ele3> rune u should focus on the dmg and go rune of justice giant and destruction. the dmg of rune caster might not be bad, but the casting time should be taken into account. overall maybe not a bad build.

ok a good rule to see if a class is worth it is to count how many useful skills there are. for support rune casters have 2/5 good skills. for dmg rune casters have 2/5 skills.

Wiz - Cryo - Kino - Cryo2 -Cryo3 - RC - FeatherFoot
Wiz - Cryo - Kino -Cryo2 - Cryo3 - Ele - Featherfoot

I’mnot sure if i should get Elementalist or Rune Caster

How useful will Rune Caster be!!!

I see that other build that for me is more interesting cause u will have another dps option wiz-cryo3-psyko-rune-wl

Yep u have to cast 8 sec but the buff is just for u take a safe place and do your combo and then u will have warlock damage for not being doing 0 dmg without your combo.