Tree of Savior Forum

Cryomancer IW+IB Combo

I don’t understand how this works, sometimes only 6 ice walls get the effect, sometimes 7-8, am i misunderstanding a mechanic or something? or is it bugged

are you in range of all the walls wen you use it?

I usually stand right next to the wall near the center of the formation, but doesnt seem to affect more than 2 rows vertically and 3 horizontally

  1. U can max hit 8 walls at a time because IB can only hit 6 targets
  2. The walls NEVER shoot shards if u hit em wit Ice blast - no mather how many u hit
  3. The dmg dealt to enemies depends on IB lvl
    For exampel :
    With Audra (lvl 17 IB) and around 1600 magic attack u deal with 1 IB around 10 ~(20k dmg on leather or fire property targets) per IB…on 1 enemie
    So if u Use Icewall and u hit 8 wall tiles - u only can hit 2 other enemies for that amount of damage
    To clarify : u hit can hit a total amount of 8 enemies with around 10k dmg each.
    Thanks to overheat u can Use it 3 times in a row - dealing a minimum of 30.000.
    Keep in mind: If u use icewall as freeze - every icewall u hit wont deal dmg.
    If u use Frostpillar instead - u get the whole 8 hits on enemies without worrying.

are you talking about meleeing walls or using psychic pressure on walls?

Using Ice blast on walls…

tried using icewall around boss and use iceblast but seems like only 1 line was damaged to boss , others hit empty air lol

Same with me.
When you use IW on a pack of mobs, even in line, it count 2 hit on everymob near the wall.
On boss, whatever I do, only one proc from IB on boss… weird.

So I don’t really understand the previous vid combo where the boss loose a big chunk of HP from IB… :frowning:

I havent tested this but i think i can make sense of what sascha.rose is saying.
To make it a bit clearer:

  • Ice Blast can only hit 8 targets in total, this includes Ice Wall
  • Meaning if you place 8 Walls and you only have one monster near them, Ice Blast will hit 7 Walls and 1 Monster, if
    theres 4 Monsters then Ice Blast will hit 4 Walls and 4 Monsters, making the total always 8 targets.

that how it works? …i need to test this for myself, dont like not being sure of things haha

Found the vid :
Maybe it have been change since then.

The reason you can hit mobs twice is because one hit is from ice blast itself (due to the mob being frozen) and the other comes from the icewall synergy.

Bosses can’t be frozen, so icewall synergy is the only way you can ever hit them with ice blast - and only once per cast.

The vid you linked takes a huge chunk because her matk is retarded, 14k with chapparition. It still only does 1 hit.

i see, so only 1 target, 1 hit…
That kinda sucks fun factor wise.
But i guess it opens up builds and stat allocation.
If you want to go Ice Blast build your fine to just take 1 point in Ice Wall now and then rotate between Ice Wall and Frost Pillar for triggers…
Need to mess around with this.

hm icewall 1 could work for IB to be useabel - more points to spend on subzero or ice spike :confused: