Tree of Savior Forum

Cryomancer Help? Low DMG - Lots of details

Going Cryomancer and so far having a lot of issues with my low damage output. I’m currently lvl 70 - 11 (Rank 4 almost) I plan to go straight to C3 Cryomancer, so Wiz > Cryo x3 > - Then either Psycho or Sorcerer.

So as far as skills go:

ignored Ice Blast because many people said it was pretty terrible, I tried it before and didn’t mind it but the damage output seemed low and can’t use on bosses.

Gust at 1 w/ attribute, seems ok with the 3 hits on frozen, also from reading and testing it seems to not be worth more investment.

Other stats are as follows
Ice Pike 10
Ice Bolt 8
Ice Wall 5
Subzero Shield 3
Gust 1

Wizard I went:
Energy Bolt 0
Lethargy 1 (for Attribute when grouped)
Sleep 5
Reflect Shield 5
Earth Quake 4

I do have a SKILL RESET potion.

Currently I have Cafrisun Armor & Ice Rod.
What weapon should I aim for at 75? Any must have sets etc to get?
I went 2:1 INT:SPR with a bit of CON. Currently 70 INT, 35 SPR and 20 CON.
Wanted to get more input on Stats before I put more points in. I’ve ready it’s best to got FULL INT 75+ with the odd bit of CON.

Anyway, any input would be greatly appreciated.

Cryo is a defensive class (blue icon). Go Kino on next rank for IW + PP combo, if you don’t want it to be slow. Unless you have some friends that will party you all the time and would love to have your Tree for questing and dungeon runs.

Don’t invest is SPR, ever. Your gear bonus and potions will be enough.

3 int : 1con is preferable for PvE. 4:1 for glass cannon. 1:1 in PvP.

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I plan to be more supportive so I didn’t mind having a bit of SPR. I think I’m done with SPR for now though. I figure as a Psych I should try to gear Regen over SP since it’s % value decrease correct?

I was really leaning toward Psy already so I think I will go that route. Now to decide if I go C3 Cryo first or Psy C1 for Rank 4

SPR is just bad. If you want to be full support and maybe PvP a bit go full CON.

You will suffer a lot as Kino with SPR points invested. The skills SP consumption rates are % based. It will be just that much harder to cover it with potions.

I’m fairly certain having put 20 points of SPR in rather than 20 MAG ATT (INT) isn’t the end of the world… I’m not too concerned about CON I dont want to PVP at all.

Anyway some input to my questions would be appreciated not judgement on my decisions I’ve made so far. I’m quite happy with having a bit of SPR.

You could skip psychokino. Taking a circle or two of Thaumaturge and then runecaster would get you some massive bonuses to your ice skills.
+~500matk and +300% ice damage respectively.

The PP combo is kinda replaceable by melee staff/dagger attacks, if you weren’t aware.

Wiz-cryo-cryo-cryo-thaum-runecaster-thaum perhaps?

What skills in Thaum would be beneficial to my build? I haven’t looked into Thaum really but it could be intersting…

I know Chrono also works but almost every Cryo I see is Chrono now.

I’m guessing mainly Swell Arm skills for the + Mag Dmg? Wouldn’t mind being able to add a bit more than just some buffs though.

Also is the ONLY lightning skill Electrocute in Elementalist?

Thaum 2 has:
1: party buff for +200ish physical and magical attack.
2: party buff for either +130ish physical and magical attack. or +60ish defense
3: enemy debuff, giving a group double health, drops and experience
4: enemy debuff, adding 130 damage to any attack on them and making them more vulnerable to AoE and ranged attacks
5: Turn an enemy ground effect into a friendly ground effect
6: trade your con and int stats for a while.

Thaum is mostly a strength multiplier, but the double drops thing is rather nice since you’re likely to be in a party that can deal with the extra hp.
It is noteable that Tham’s damage buff stacks with the Runecaster buff in the best possible way.

Electrocute is the only lightning damage skill in the entire wizard class tree.

For elementalist yes, but Krivis also has lightning ground aoe, it’s mainly for them.

The freeze debuff that is.

Ah so no real way for me to personally take advantage of the Freeze Debuff other than the 1 Elementalist skill. It seems like a nice boost but I find Elementalist looks pretty boring and your basic “Mage” class, been there done that… and yes I realize Cryomancer is just your basic “Ice Mage” which is why I wanna branch into something different that will work.

I thought about Sorcerer but I dunno it seems to take some time before it really gets useful.


Thaumseems pretty nice, I think I’ll do that build with a Linker set up though and go full supporty once guilds get formed and I can set up consistent groups.

Thaum’s skill isn’t % based unfortunately, so it kind of falls off once you get to that high lvl. People would much rather have chrono’s buffs, but as you said alot of people are already going to cryo chorno route.

While it is true that someday the flat bonus will be not that great, you get almost 500 flat damage from thaum.
As compared to say, this current-endgame sword with a base damage of 350ish.

That’s a 1 handed sword… 2h in end game is way stronger.

2handed best sword in the game has a base damage of 350-650, so 500.

True but it’s still a decent boost regardless. I don’t see how it “scales poorly” 500dmg is nothing to laugh at.