Tree of Savior Forum

[Cryomancer] Gust Skill Curiousity

I am curious why Gust is not being a favored skill. If the dismay is because it unfreeze enemies, you can always cast it right at 1 second before it thaw.

I crunched some numbers comparing it to Ice Pike.


  • Gust lvl 10 = 495 damage
  • Gust lvl 10 w/ attribute
    - Unfrozen (2x) = 990 damage
    - Frozen (3x) = 1485 damage

Ice Pike

  • Ice Pike lvl 15 = 890
  • Ice Pike lvl 15 w/ attribute (+100%) = 1780 damage

Both of these skills are affected by Magic Damage. If we take, for example, your character has 300 magic attack damage. This would be how it looks like:

Gust lvl 10 w/ Unfrozen target = (4952)+(3002) = 1590 damage
Gust lvl 10 w/ Frozen target = (4953)+(3003) = 2385 damage

Ice Pike lvl 10 w/ no attribute = 890+300 = 1190 damage
Ice Pike lvl 10 w/ attribute = 1780+300 = 2080 damage

I’m not sure if the Magic Attack applies on every damage instance. Anyone can test this one?

There is also a high chance that Ice Pike can hit multiple times on a target so Ice Pike is a clear winner but you can also see that it is not as bad as it looks like with another CC and is an overheat.

My other question is:

(1) How does Gust interacts with Ice Wall?
(2) Does it consider the wall as a frozen target?
(3) Does the attribute procs on them? What is the range of the Gust?

Gust has a linear aoe about the same width as pike only shorter. Ice pike and Ice bolt also hit x2, which isn’t mentioned in the tooltip.

The reason gust isnt favored is because it offers neither the dps or cc to make it into a skill rotation by the time you get rank 4 skills. Maybe it could be useful if it was instantly cast and had a much larger circular aoe or frontal cone aoe. In need of reworking.

Ice Pike deals x2 damage when the enemy’s radius is positioned to be hit with it’s 2 cell line. I’ve seen a lot of mobs getting hit by only 1 instance.

I showed that the DPS is still good on Gust. It even deals more if you haven’t gotten the 100% attribute on Ice Pike which may take a while and it is not a huge difference. In fact, in certain situation, it deals more.

@arkova - Gust interacts with mobs the same as Ice Pike? Does it deal x2 damage also if it got hit twice by it?

Your information is appreciated. I still don’t understand why players are moving away from it entirely and not given an option to at least pick it.

I have it at lvl 1 and I rarely ever use it because:

  • Clunky casting that makes you stand still

  • Attribute sounds nice, but realistically, you’re not going to be getting lvl 100 attribute for a DPS skill that is mediocre in comparison to the other options (if you’re a DPS wiz variant) or if you’re support oriented (arguably waste of silver)

  • AoE is smaller than Ice Pike, and you cannot hit that many enemies with gust without a lot of setup (even with frost pillar, gust often misses enemies right in front of you)

  • It requires you to be close ranged, and I’d much rather be firing off normal attack or doing some cc micromanaging than worrying about DPSing with gust on a class not meant for DPS anyway. Mostly with this point, I just like to think I’m conserving SP by not using a skill that doesn’t make much of a difference in the long run (assuming party play, which I always am in a party so it may be specific to my case only)

Regarding your other questions:

  1. Gust does not interact with ice wall. If an enemy is frozen by ice wall, you can gust it and unfreeze it, but ice wall seems to have some sort of internal cooldown mechanism where enemies don’t get frozen right away by it after thawing out.

  2. I don’t understand what you mean by if it considers ice wall as a frozen target…Unless you’re mistaken that you can use gust to make ice shards fly out for damage, which it cannot.

  3. What attribute on proccing on what? Again, there is no synergy between ice wall and gust whatsoever. Gust’s x range is narrower (possibly the same, but I doubt it) than ice pike, and the y range is about the same as ice pike.

The gust hate is real!

Nah but its pretty easy reasoning. In pve by the time you get a couple ranks beyond cryomancer all of its skills start to become inferior in terms of damage.

Its cryo’s crowd control ability that stays relevant, but which gust doesn’t offer enough to be of use. The aoe itself is even smaller than the animation lol.

If you have no other superior dps skills (cryo into support build for example) or if you’re the kind of person to unload energy bolt in a fight, then a point in gust wouldn’t kill ya.

Yea, the further I go the damage seems irrelevant on higher levels. I’m taking 1 point of it for repositioning CC. Thanks for the replies.

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