Tree of Savior Forum

Cryomancer build

Hi…i want to know if cryomancer is good at pve and with build suit the best with him
I know all people say wiz3 ele3 but i want to do something with cryomancer that make huge damage and AoE…it is possible?
Thx for any help and sorry for bad english :slight_smile:



are top rated and very popular pvp builds

These builds are more about cc abuse then massive damage.

It won’t be possible to to as much damage as other DPS builds if you go with cryo. If you do want a damage oriented cyro, cryo3>ele3 should be good. You can also go cryo3>sorc2>warlock though sorc may or may not be a fun class for you.

And what about
Wiz3 cryo ele3 or wiz cryo2 psion ele 3?

What purpose dose the one circle of cryo provide?

Generally the whole point of taking ele is to use it with quick cast

Cryo freeze enemy even at c1 and with ele lightining will do big damage…elementalist are viable only with quickcast?

I would be surprised if you could cast lightning fast enough after the freeze.

I supposed you could use ele with other things it just that it has lots of big long cd skills which wizard helps it make the most of, so with ele its kind of hard to change the builds around.

But if your really interested in cryo i would suggest a cryo kino build and cryo chrono build but those are less dps orientated and more cc/support.

Cryo icewall and psychic pressure aren t an high hig very hig burst damage?

Even with cryo kino or cryo chrono i will make more damage than any swordsman build?

it is, its just not more damage then a ele wiz over all.

but you could do something like cryo kino runecaster to the the isa icewall combo.

That im not sure of im not well versed in swordsman (just a few classes) but supposedly they have a pretty rough late game.

You could go with wiz3>cyro>kino>RC>warlock if you want a build focused on icewall and PP. I personally wouldn’t do that since the only thing you’ll be good at is killing bosses.

Soo Cryo is more for support and PvP and wiz3 ele3 for PvE…than if i want be the king of PvE i have to roll wiz3 ele3 wl?

But wiz is soo painful to leveling early level T.T there is no way for make leveling faster?i have to go wiz 1 wiz 2 wiz 3 and than ele?cause wiz haven t damage :S

well once again Cryo Chrono is a very very desirable pve support. But its not damage orientated which sounds like what you want.

I haven’t played ToS yet but i think i’ll try Cryo Chrono as support, can u explain me how it works or where to place my skill points. Thanks! i think that it’s an interesting character

Im not well versed in the exact skill points im just aware of the build as it has been discussed on the forums. You might be able to find the skills in another thread or someone else might be able to fill you in, i don’t have the knowledge to do it off hand.

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Basically your main duty is to support your tank with frost pillar and ice pike (cc) so that he doesnt gets damaged at all. Try to to keep your buffs up for your party all the time (Haste, Quicken). After that support your DDs with pass (-25 cd reduce) it has a radius, so its quite hard to use on a uncoordinated party. That is cryo/chrono in a nutshell, ofc you have to do alot more usually.

Mains skills for grouping:
frost pillar (mob pull + freeze)
ice pike (freeze in a line)
haste (+ 15 movementspeed, best support skill imo)
quicken (+ atack speed and + critical rate)
pass (-25 cd on all skills, really good dps increase)

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