Tree of Savior Forum

Cryomancer and Pyromancer skill distribution

Hello. What do you guys think is the best skill distribution for pyro and cryo? Are Ice Bolt and Ice Pike worth maxing? What about Enchant Fire?

Cryo: max Pillar, Snow Rolling, Subzero Shield; enough points in Ice Wall to get a decent wall size; one point in Ice Blast for the extra damage; all spares into Ice Pike; Ice Bolt is terrible, don’t skill it

Pyro: max Prominence, Fire Pillar, Hell Breath; I ended up maxing Flame Ground and putting the spares into Enchant Fire since my build was already using a class with many offensive skills (onmyo), so I didn’t need Fireball and Fire Wall; definitely skill Fireball instead if one of your other classes is Elementalist; I didn’t feel the need to max Enchant Fire since it justs adds a flat damage, but some points are good to get the extra line of damage