Tree of Savior Forum

CryoKino vs CryoNecro (+ Flesh Cannon queries)

Right now I’m at Wiz1>Cryo1>Kino1>Cryo3 (sub character). I intended to go all the way to Kino3 but now I’m considering whether I should try Necro2 instead.

  1. For now, my only source of real damage seem to come from Ice Wall + PP combo. Or else is Tree > Snowrolling. PP doesn’t work that well by itself at Kino1.
  • If I advance to Kino2+Kino3, will it work out better in terms of damage dealing. I do have a main Ele-Warlock and mobs at high levels have immense HP. Will Cryo3Kino3 struggle a lot in terms of damage?

  • Kino2 seems nice for the PP stun attribute, since I always get my PP cancelled when I use it by itself, right after freeze/sleep status disappears. But how effective is it though?

  • I know Kino did have some nerfs, but most of it happens to PVP and not PVE right?

  1. I’m considering going Necro2 instead of Cryo3Kino3. Main idea is to freeze/frost pillar the mobs and let my summon kill/Ice Wall + PP/Flesh Cannon.
  • I did make a thread earlier on regarding my choices and the worry popped up to me that Flesh Cannon might not be that good without quick cast? Would anyone be able to share their experience regarding this matter? From what I know, Flesh Cannon have extremely high damage, almost on par with frost cloud (probably lower dmg but it deals the damage much quicker than frost cloud)
  1. Would continuing my original idea of Cryo3/Kino3 or going Necro2 be better? Necro1/Warlock is out of the question since I already main a warlock.

I can tell you that the PP Stun attribute is pretty strong. It basically keeps all monsters within the field constantly stunned for duration.

I’m a Wiz 3 > Kino 2, and it helps alot (even with surespell, PP used to get cancelled alot because of knockbacks)

I’m also considering whether I should take up Necro 2 rather than going for the Wiz 3 > Kino 3 due to the nerfs. Supposedly the nerf to gravity pole is only for PvP (-75% dmg …), but people are saying that it has been stealth nerfed to only hit 5 mobs in PvE.

Doesn’t ice wall + pp already freeze monsters in place, stun seems kinda over the top then.

Ice wall has a long cooldown, you’re going to be using PP often without doing the combo.

Problem now is will I be better off going kino3 all the way or try necro2. I heard a lot people regretting going necro but no complaints from kino3 yet

because everyone who play kino 3 already quit the game

I have a Wiz 2>Kino 3>Necro 2 and a Wiz 3>Linker 1>Sorc 1>Necro 1>Warlock 1

After i know what it like to have QC (both faster charge and 50% bonus damage) when use Flesh Cannon, i don’t want my Kino to use FC anymore :sweat_smile:. In your case, it is worse because you don’t even have surespell (not sure if your Cryo cc will be enough)

Without Wizard 3, going Necro for FC is … frustrated, but i guess it’s ok if your main goal is the summon (when the summon get buff, for now they are useless and will do more harm than good in party)

For Kino 3, i always play it with surespell so i can play quite aggressive, not sure if i should recommend you to go Kino 3 since you don’t have Wizard 2

Maybe you can consider Rune Caster for the costume (and Ice Rune)

We will have information of rank 8 before August, maybe you should wait ?

I’m thinking of waiting for more information of new classes as well. Currently at lvl 170 but I can wait since it is my sub and I can focus on my main first.

If possible I wouldn’t want to get runecaster. I don’t really like the idea of casting a rune for 8 seconds and getting my Icewall+PP combo cancelled and waste it all like that. And most runecaster builds go warlock but I already main a warlock (runecaster’s costume is really sweet though)

What if Necro3 turns out to be real good? I’m thinking that if Necro3 turns out to be really strong I might want to try Wiz1>Cryo3>Kino1>Necro3. The thing that bothers me is the AI of the summons and of course, flesh cannon being not strong enough/easily cancelled. How long is the charging time of flesh cannon? Would CC-ing the mobs with frost pillar or freezing them first give me enough time to nuke them with it?

If rank 8 classes turns out to be good, I think I will most probably go ahead with my Kino3 build and then advance to a new rank8 class.

we’d never know if c3 necro is really good, or maybe warlock 2 or FF 2 is much better or those rank 8 class are simply worth 1 circle. so I suggest wait for announcement or leaks before making you’re build since its an alt anyways.

cryo3 kino3 is really strong for pvp and guild vs guild you’ll always be wanted by guilds. maybe you can try making that and see how it goes when battle league comes out. I’m pretty sure that path is really good

Well regarding PVP, I read that CryoKino got nerfed real hard and it isn’t effective anymore.

But my main concern is PVE so as long as it’s still good in PVE im all good to go

they have nerfs cause its really strong, ice armor was able to counter most classes and it was broken, GP is still good with nerfs, and freezing hasn’t been nerf anyways its the one that makes the build shine for pvp.

well if pve concerns you then might as well go the the wiz>ele>lock which is by far the best dps out there. Our game state is if your not meta then you’re out. don’t expect to get invited in ET with cryo necro or other gmicky builds, even if they’re good, people will always prefer a cryo/chrono and and elementalock over others, Unless you play with friends whcih can help you out with differenct comp than going meta

Well I already main a ele-warlock so I just wanna try something different with this sub character. Don’t really need to be extremely strong but viable enough to maybe solo most parts of the game before reaching the very high levels.

Flesh Cannon need 1,5~2s to fully charge without QC, equal to Electrocute and Hail. ~1s faster might be not much for ~40s cd like Hail, but FC cd is only 20s, I use it quite frequently, I feel very annoying without QC.

If Ice Bolt and Ice Pike have 100% freeze chance then maybe it’s enough, or else too much setup for a 20s cd skill is annoying, i think. (Ice Tree is great but have long cd)

If you have a good Swordman in party, maybe you don’t have to worry about get cancelled, but even in lvl ~220, 70% swordman I random party with are useless p.o.s, i hope it will be better at higher lvl

If Necro 3 is good, but it depend how it good. If Necro 3 is a “summoner” focus class, go Necro 3 with your build might be not bad. But if Necro 3 is a “spell caster” class, might as well re-roll a Wizard 3 that revolve around Necromancer

People go necro 1 because of flash cannon, with linker for example its your frost cloud damage skill that only requires one rank. Necro 2 is useless, and if necro3 arrives you could basically picked anything that is 3 ranks worth, so that makes going necro kinda void.

flash cannon rank 1, already does it’s max amount of attacks, so necro2 isn’t going to do that much more damage over it.

The pets seem to be completely awful atm, so i wouldn’t bother with it. They are a bonus, don’t build your build around it.

For the OP i would just go the full mile now, kino3/cryo3 and rerol into something else. Your main issue is that you builded somethign without knowing what you would go for. Always know exactly what you want to build otherwise your char is going to be void later on.