Tree of Savior Forum

CryoChrono vs PyroChrono

I’m debating to which variant of Chrono I want to make. Ideally ending it off with Enchanter2 and possibly Enchanter3. It is just a sub so mainly just to support parties through dungeons and raids.

Pyro variant have nice DOT aoe from flame pillar and flame ground. Flame pillar also has a shorter CD to CC mobs. Think the best part is getting maxed enchant fire that will boost my AA to be stronger.

Cryo variant have good CC from frost pillar, snow rolling and ice pike. Frost pillar however have a longer CD than flame pillar and it kinda freezes mobs and leave them a bit too spread out. Miss out on enchant fire but I think my AA will do more damage on frozen targets?

Anyone care to shed some light?

Imo both are fine but pyro damage is just too low for me and I rather AA than wasting time casting skill.

I run velco with cryo3-chrono3-enchanter2 as a dps+utility.

Snow rolling is useful cc during breaking dragon stone. Then you can roll during exploding bird. Also decent cc in CM and ET.

Frost pillar makes every mob including boss to receive additional 50% from lightning property which synergy well with enchanter lightning hand. All physical party member also will deal extra damage during the 10 sec duration. Just place it right so it don’t unnecessary freeze far target.

Imo laying pyro will be much easier than cryo in overall. But for me, cryo contribute more in your overall role.

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Cryo is way better paired with enchanter. More dmg on AA and more CC

am pyro-chrono and I like it a lot…

but, I think in a party cryo-chrono might be better…