Tree of Savior Forum

Cryo3Chrono3 Still worth it?

Hi guy, I just came back to ToS a week ago ,I used to main Cryo3Chrono3Sage for ET but there is a lots of change to Wizard especially Cryo. Just wanna ask If my build still good in ET.

Thank in advance.

My Team’s ccsage spends about 300-400k in mats for every 40F run we do
It is still viable.

His build is Wiz1 cryo2 kino3 chrono3

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I see, I’ll try it out thanks.

Cryo3 Chrono3 Ench2 best phys buffer. Frost Pillar applies a Chill debuff on bosses which counts it as a “Frozen” target. This, combined with Enchant Lightning will increase physical skills’ damage by +50%

In this image, Cret was orginally dealing 54-55k per hit, then it went to 74k per hit after Frost Pillar.

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What do you think of a similar build with sorc at the end? Is the cat AAR buff any noticeable?

Yeah Cat AAR is noticeable. Right now I’m just building my non-geared wizards around buffers for guild demands and Cat Buff is on request

Does enchant lightning still apply to range physical? And I wonder if the lighting property damage also increased by +50%. Example 1000 lightning flat damage will increased to 1500 flat.

According to tooltip, yes. But I haven’t tested it

Not sure about this either

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How is the distribution of attributes?

Do you mean skillpoints? Here’s what I’m doing

Empowering and Agility are debatable. They’re both sucky

That’s cool, guess Ench1Sorc1 could be decent for physical support then too? Feels a bit bad to lose the most fun skills from both enchanter and sorcerer though, even if they are more for personal dps.