Tree of Savior Forum

Cryo3 + Warlock build synergy

Cryo c3 is approaching and I’ve had mixed feelings of which build to follow from here. The only thing I’m sure about is the Warlock at rank 7, which I hear around the forum works well with cryo 3.

Problem is, I’m not so certain about the other 2 ranks inbetween. I was aiming for something like:

cryo 3 - sorc 2 - warlock

I like summoning, despite it being flawed as people who played it tend to say. Plus, the buffs and overall gameplay work well with warlock. I aim for pvp and pve in general, not necessarily being super great in any. Jack of all trades, y’know?

cryo 3 - pycho 2 - warlock

On the other hand, I feel like I don’t want to be gimped if I choose sorcerer. I haven’t played it yet but people who have complain a lot.

Is psychokino c2 worth it? Or is there a more interesting combination? I wan’t to keep Cryo 3 and Warlock, but I’m just not so secure with sorcerer, though I feel it can work. I’d like some thought on this subject :slight_smile:

I would go Cryo C3+SorcererC2+Warlock

My reason is this:

And this:

I don’t know if it benefits summon’s attacks, which is dark property. But your exploding bats do dark damage and your servant raises dark property attack.

Here is my build:

But one thing I couldn’t decide yet is if I’ll go with Subzero Shield, because I’ll already have Dark Theurge.

Invocation can also be spawned from killing ice wall, not sure if intended but I founf a video of it on youtubd. Its probably buried now though

Hmmm seems nice, so sorcerer is a good idea after all?

That’s probably a bug, if not, I’m gonna have 15 points in Ice Wall, KKK

But you don’t have PP or JP to hit your IW?

I was thinking of a dagger, but you’ll probably right, level 15 will be too much.

Hmmm, Is that possible to comand the summon to attack my Ice Wall ?

Here are the bonuses for Lv5 Servant, via this thread

+5 Aoe attack ration
+50% Sp regen tick
+50% Stamina Regen
+50 Magic Defense
+50 Dark Property attack

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