Tree of Savior Forum

Cryo-Taoist-Psychokino Need help for my build . Noob here

Can someone help me.
Its my 1st time playing Wizard. im level 350+ from archer class then i transfer here.
Anyone here can give me tips and advice.

  1. Skill allocation.
    2.Skill rotation per situation, like farming,boss battle, dying lol and pvp.
  2. card build.
  3. tips and tricks.

Thank You guys in advance. Hoping for answer.

same here, dont know much, i would like to know how ppl set up a perfect wall to hit all pp hits, my build is this atm, idk what to do with the left points, someone may help pls?

Hi wanted to share one combo Ice Wall + Gravity Pole. This one is better than Psychic Pressure because you can attack all the walls
To answer, I think the Subzero Shield is worth it as an emergency shield. It reduces half of the damage.
Do not use it all the time because it uses kinda lot of mp.
Snow Rolling is just for fun, you can take off some points. For me it doesn’t do that much damage and you take damage during the skill.
Put your points in Teleportation.

this was from quite a while ago. But im still doing it the same way. Practice makes perfect.

I actually prefer taoist because you can freeze mobs and then use lightning skills on them from the taoist tree which give them 25% damage boost.

start with

  1. tri charm disaster
  2. magnetic force
  3. frost pillar
  4. erradication/creeping death charms x3
  5. gravity pole

Rinse and repeat.

This is what I usually do in my ET rotation for reference

Always start off with Tri Disaster Charm if you are going to stay at one spot for long time. Some examples would be ET mob killing stages or CMs. In dungeons it might not be necessary because you DPS might be strong enough without it

In ET my main goal is not really to deal a lot of damage (even though I can) but more to CC mobs.

Frost Pillar would be the best skill to start off. It holds mobs for a pretty long duration. I always spam 3 Ice Blast during my Frost Pillar rotation, with enough time to even spam 3 Eradication after that.

Next I would use Magnetic Force to group up mobs and Heavy Gravity. During that I would use my Ice Pike to make sure they stay in that area.

After that, I would use Gravity Pole to hold mobs. If I didn’t use Magnetic Force earlier I would use it here.

Finally, I use Snow Rolling to gather mobs again. By the time this ends, your Frost Pillar CD should be almost up and you can repeat again.

I play this “Ice Mage” as a sub for fun, mainly to CC mobs for my party. If I want a more damaged focus build, Pyro would be good. If I want a more AOE focused build, Onmyoji is great.

Skill allocation wise, Frost Pillar/Snow Rolling and Ice Wall to me are a must max, the rest is up to you. For Psychokino, Gravity Pole/Raise/Heavy Gravity is a must max. Psychic Pressure lvl 10 should be enough to hit a lot of ice walls in your Icewall+PP combo. Psychic Pressure alone is pretty weak so you wouldn’t use it by itself often. Magnetic Force and Swap is a 1 point wonder, and the rest can be put into teleport for extra mobility.

why is not worth invest in magnetic force?

For CC only. It’s better to put extra points in tele.

u mean just if u are pvp focused?

he’s not pvp focused, its just the way he plays, he’s using it as a crowd control which i dont think is really getting the best out of his build. I max out magnetic force because the damage seems pretty good, but if you feel that adding those extra points into raise can help in other ET floors then sure go ahead.