Tree of Savior Forum

Cryo/Sorc/Necro Questions

Hi All

New player here, taking advantage of the rookie event to level some characters and hopefully find a main.

I have a few questions about my 330 SPR Cryo3-Sorc2-Necro3, which I loved…right up until I took Necromancer.

My main issue with Necro is managing corpses, which is not just tedious, but really disruptive to managing a rotation.

How far do attributes go towards alleviating this?
Which ones should I prioritize, and and how deep should I invest to make this manageable, before moving on to Sorc/Cryo(and where should I be spending there)?

I’d also like to get some general play style tips.

I think my approach is really sub optimal. I’m doing my best to juggle riding and casting, but I think I’m trying to cram too many spells into my rotation, instead of focusing on CC and making space for my minions to do some work.

Advice is greatly appreciated.

Are you using corpse potions (sold by necro master)? I like to keep my corpse supply full before entering in anything and every once in a while I’ll use a potion.


No more corpses problem. Also, with these you don’t need Gather Corpse skill, it became really obsolete, they could add a new summon in place of that or simple remove it.

After that you can focus on the enhance for the minions.

I’m pretty lazy on mine, so I just summon, CC and let them do the work, when facing 1 or more elites I do mount and use the summon skills and keep CCing + IB + Bats. You won’t be doing that much damage with skills since your main damage will come from the weapon you are using.