Tree of Savior Forum

Cryo/Sorc and so what [PvE Mainly]

Hi guys, as a CBT2 player i used to do : Wiz -> Cryo -> Cryo -> Elementalist -> Sorc 2

But i guess it’s time to change. I’ll mainly use my char for PvE but i’m not against some little PvP. After reading a lot of posts i saw two mains way i would like to take, but don’t know which one could fit me more; could you advice me :slight_smile: ?

#1st option :

Wizard -> Cryo -> Psychokino -> Cryo -> Sorc 2 -> RC

#2nd option :

Wizard -> Cryo -> Psychokino -> Cryo -> Sorc 2 -> Warlock

Moreover, i would like to have some advices too about Cryo skills, because i used to use mainly Ice Pike & Ice Bolt.

Thank you guys.

dont folow oher people builds blindly, many skilçls are under or over rated if ypu think calmly.
now how do you want to play?
dps,CC or hybrid?
why sorc? its pretty, want to controll many summons (yes you can have more than one, but only one will be a boss) or focus on raising a unstopable juggernaut?
You you get usefull attributes or make a synergy bethween classes?

Well usually i don’t really like to ride summon and wait, i don’t like this kind of gameplay. For exemple on last CBT (prison) i was summoning temple shooter then using cryomancer skill to freeze mobs and then Lightning’s Elementalists’ skill to double damage them.

Why Sorc ? Because i kinda like others gameplay, and like Sorc’s one. I know that Wizard 3 / Elementalist 3 must be pretty broken, but it’s so classic and boring. With Sorc i can be a great support (cat) and also deal a big amount of damage with summon and play nervously with others magic skills.

That’s how i see my " style " ?

the Im the lord of evrything fear me punny mortals!!! one…
I have to lunch but i will be back with a build soon.

Ok but where does psycho fit into that? wouldn’t you be better off grabbing Linker so you can aoe freeze easier and allow your summon to hit multiple targets?

And if you like Summons have you though about going for Necro 2? you get the skeletons which is probably the best point and click summons in the game right now.

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psy have a higher CC than likker if you use it right.
Im helping with another build give me some minutes.

Well this isn’t so much about CC (Now that hangman is nerfed into the ground) but summons damage isn’t that solid, having the physical link to let your summons hit multiple enemies at the same time is a big help.

Say that to someone with high summoning skill, at level 5 it has the origin al boss power and hp, at level 15 its a super buffed version with much more hp and damage on the skills, most bosses already have lots of aoe skills.

ecro is for summoning hordes of enemies he want versatility, a summon for each situation.

any question ask me the second one is coming soon

Also look into each class attributes they make a nice synergy

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Well the Frozen Lord one fit me better. What would be the stat build ? I’ve some idea because of playing sorcerer, mainly INT, but would like to see your perspective (i’ll edit some little things to fit me well of course).

What about a possible Rank 8 (in the future), would it be better to do :

A - Cryo 3
B - Sorc 3
C - Warlock

Thanks Again :ghost:

aboput rank 8 i would wait, Its the rank they will add taoist and itll probably have some nice maical seals an d maye summons (I demand nekomatas)

youll want to do damage mainly, but youll need lots of sp so you should go
50/50 int spr, dont mind putting points in endurance, shield spells will keep you protected, also you can alsways run from atacks and skills, I soled some bsses as a cryo on cbt1 without being hit just by using hit and run tatics, if you think something will hit you use defend in frint of the atack and your minion will block it for you on the most badass proect your master way. by abalancing both yourboss will have much more hp and damage than the opriginal boss and the huge ammountof sp will allow you to keep, the boss, salamion and the suport at the same time.
As soon as you can try to craft this:

use cloth armor for bonus sp regen and maximum and magic damage
as soon you become a sorcerer spend some money on the sp regen attribute and by last theres a secret I will pm you because it involves alchemists (i will play as one) and theres a rude, violent and annoying guy here on the forum that I really want to beat the carp out and I want to have some nasty surprises for him.

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Well then i’m waiting for this famous PM :slight_smile:

sent it already, has you read it?

Let’s continue the talk by PM