Tree of Savior Forum

Cryo/Shadow/Sage Theory crafting

hey guys,

i like to theory craft and with upcoming c9 there are some new variations of my favorite build.

what do you think ?

  1. W3 Ele3 RC1 Shadow 2
    (surspell/quickcast) -> ccing mobs via shadow (late but better then never…) + boss cc

  2. W1 Cryo3 Ele3 Shadow2
    (frostpillar + hail/FC/Elecute ect u know the stuff ;D) but i wonder if shadow would round or mess it up. Big con - no surspell

  3. W1 Cryo3 Ele3 Sage2
    (its my current build, u dont rly need surspell because of Blink + with frostpillar and fc/hail u can lock mobs with ease.

  4. W3 Ele3 RC1 Sage2
    (i wonder if blink would be enough to gather mobs close enough the deathzone)

id like to know if gazing golem card would negate the need of surspell… 30% (10%*3 cards) to get pain barrier lvl 1 (15 sec) so every 3. hit u may get immune to interruptions. So W3 may be too much in case of cast immunity…so…

  1. W1 Cryo2 Ele3 RC1 Shadow2/Sage2 COULD be an option… but missing quick cast may mess up the whole build because of RC

last but not least id like to know if it is possible to change cards without any penalty.

You missed wiz1 cryo3 kino3 shad2 aka the future cancer of TBL.

true, i once played a W2 cryo3 psycho1 RC1 Sage 1 but iam not that big an of 1 trick ponys… and psychos as well x3

But i think W2 Cryo3 Psy1 RC1 Shadow2 may work as well

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so far i think ele skills are a bit too much for a shadowmancer xD anyone got the same opinion xD?

how about a wizard 3 cryo3 RC Shadowmancer2 anyone tested this kind of build ?

ive tested wiz 2 cryo 3 kino 1 RC shadow 2.

Shadow 2 seems to be in a very good spot. I would recommend taking shadow as a compliment to builds that have high cooldowns and use SPR while in need of very good burst dps. Shadow 2 will let your character carry itself.
Shadow 2 also works pretty well with frost pillar. Frost pillar>shadow conjuration>ice blastx3> shadow conjuration again on leftover mobs.

What do you mean by too much? Too overkill? XD

So far I’ve reset my W1 Cryo3 Ele3 RC into W3 Ele3 RC. Was planning to go Sage for R8, but now with Shadowmancer out :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:

It’s a struggle debating between a nice ass costume with good DPS (Shadow) or some more AoE DPS with travel utility (Sage).

u just have no time for Combos with Ele + cryo.
As ResonantSoul mentioned u most likely use ur shadow and Cryo skills to Combo.
Normally as ele u want to ue hail + FP + FC + Elecute but if u see, the Combo already is in a good spot and there is no space for shadow skills. You just have too many dmging spells and less Utility, or i just havent found a good Rotation till now.

So id like to test the w3 cryo3 RC Shadow2 today… Kino in it - because of teleport + PP sounds well too but iam unsure if RC itself would sustain good dmg without quick cast. Just for rune of ice it would work well but id like to have the best use of a circle and not of a single skill.
If that work i just have a good synergie- Rune of ice for Cryo - Cryo for CC +dmg (Rune of ice) - shadow for dmging spells in General - r10 would go shadow 3 and with masterclass for cryo at 11 maybe - this build would be round up.
Just speculation ofc.

I could just go w1 cryo3 chrono3 shadow but…yeah… meta is… meh …<.<

if u plan to go sage u don’t Need surespell in General because of blink - its a rly nice skill.
I played a W1 Cryo3 Ele3 Sage1 myself - worked well. blink - FP -Hail -FC -elecute - continue and/or repeat…xD

tested w3 cryo3 RC1 Shadow2 today…
tbh comparing rc with shadow skills is like u compare the sun with the moon.
QC to use the rc skills faster works well but they are lacking in dmg as hell. (Rune of destruction + FP is nice)
no clue which build would be better -

  1. W3 cryo3 RC1 Shadow2
  2. W2 Cryo3 Psy1 RC1 Shadow2 (just rune of ice use for pp combo???)
  3. W2 Cryo3 Psy1 Filler XY Shadow2 (but which filler would be nice here if not rc :/?)
  4. w1 cryo3 chrono3 shadow2

any suggestions ?
My current suggestion -something like that ;D