Tree of Savior Forum

Cryo ~ Severely and extremely underpowered compared to other classes, leveling efficiency is a nightmare

I’ve levelled Cryo in iCBT2 and in this EA (currently cryo 1 psycho 1) as well, and I’ve never once felt underpowered. I’ve been running it with my group of 4 other friends, and even though we have an archer and an int krivis, I feel like I do the most damage out of our group.

Fighting enemies of-level, if we got an “ambush” spawn, I would be able to remove almost the entire group using just one ice pike. So… yea. I don’t feel underpowered as a cryo.

Only thing I can say is ice blast (and flare) suck in its current state.

Cyro/Psy combo dude…It deals huge damage…
yah didn’t know that? Ice wall + psych pressure combo…

Try that one wizard>cyro>pysh>cyro

Cryo doesn’t shine until circle 3. Its not a dps class.

Its the opposite of pyro gameplay which starts easy and efficient at C1 but has a lackluster C3. You need to commit to cryo.

If you aren’t prepared to be slow and patient to get ice pillar, subzero shield, and great support for hard-hitting mobs, then yes you’re better off taking pyro like you said.

I played cryo and can say it has its own strengths that other classes lack. Don’t expect it to play comparably to a DPS class is what I’m getting at I guess.

At high levels when pyro skill DMG has fallen off and you really on base damage for multi hits, a c3 cryo will contribute more to a difficult end game dungeon than a pyro c3.

Cryomancer is actually in the upper end of classes.

You don’t really expect one of the best pvp class to be extremely good in pve too right?

To be fair, pyro’s benefits taper off heavily in later ranks, whereas cryo’s CC will remain useful, not to mention OP in pvp! It sucks to level though, and that’s just a trade-off. An efficient build goes down at least 1 class path that’s dps-focused, and if you’re incorporating cryo, it’s just not going to be until later.

I’m leveling a c3 wizard right now. It’s not much better :scream:

This post is rot of stupid and I hope you stop thinking this way, Cryo is only good at Circle 3, and still not as a DPS. Everyone on forum says that. I’m going Wiz 3 and I don’t think it’s much easier.

Cryo 3 is a beast in both PvP and late game content, you alse wanted it to be the easiest class to grind solo too?


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Pyro actually does not taper off in late game from what I heard, because all its skills are multi-hits (which scale well in this game’s combat system) and upgrading your pyro ranks increases the number of hits per skill even MORE (or duration of the skill, which indirectly increases its hits per cast), which makes pyro’s multi-hits become even more multi-ish with each pyro rank. Heck, firewall is practically “I hear you like multi hits, so skilling up this skill adds multi hits to your multi hits!” when it comes to ranking it up.

That doesn’t change the fact that Cryro is awesome at end game too, though, albeit for different reasons.

Then you try to take your pyro build into end game PvP or Dungeons and realize that maybe some classes just excel at different things.

Currently at level 70 going for CryoKino

I’m loving the gameplay of it so far.

What about HP of Ice Wall lvl5? And what about cast interruption of PP? Does Reflect Shield help a bit?

The problem is people expect this to be like WoW where frost mage and fire mage are both on a similar level as far as DPS goes.

This ain’t your generic super casual MMO. It pretty much requires party play for a large amount of classes to ever level up at a sane pace.

I only played cyromancer in ICBT1, it was truly under powered at the time. I partied with a cyromancer + linker yesterday in lvl 100+ grinding and he was 1 shotting packs himself, it looked nice enough to make me consider making a cyromancer as first alt. The point is cyromancer stand alone may not be what you want but can always sync it with other classes to make it what you want. They also don’t want freezing + a ton of damage, no different from people complaining about cleric not being able to 1 shot as much with healing/safety shield.

I support threads like this.

It literally makes my main a special snowflake.

Not later on, reflect shield only really provides interrupt protection at low levels where it absorbs a large% of the attack, once things start hitting you hard enough through it it may as well not be there.

As a cryo-kino1 you basically just use your CC and ice wall to keep you safe while PPing.

Wiz c3 is crazy once you hit rank 3, provided you already have at least 5 to 10 skill points saved for Magic Missle lv 5 and quick cast lv 5.

You rekt everything from there on. It’s pay back time to those party who don’t want you during Wiz C2 because your Magic Missle alone can destroy mobs as fast as any other party do.

getting to a cryo 3 is the easiest thing in the world…just get psy 3 before cryo 3 and youll never be weak in terms of pve…awesome thing cause psys skills scale AWESOME - youll never even use cryo in pve once except for bosses xd (and later in game after you got your well earned cryo 3)

I also made a thread with the trouble of finding what is best to fit around ranks 2-4 (already rank 3 and went kino which made me think I gimped myself after posting it as cryo c3…) because i wanted dark property spells from summoner warlock. :sweat:

cryo class is real special in the wizard tree imo because it’s the only one with a blue icon. hard as a class but manageable because freeze for days.