Tree of Savior Forum


I had in mind this build, but i need some answers first before i do so.

Everybody knows the cryo-kino synergy and pyro-linker is also obvious. However not many people are aware that fire balls got synergy with psychic pressure (a friend told me it makes fire ball shoot lazors).

Now here’s the thing. How does “ice shards” really work? Does it make enemies close to wall hurt by them? Does it make shards hit in front of the player who use spell? What would happen if i would make ice wall and create and firewall on it or right next to it? Will it turn my ice wall into something similar to cryo-kino combo with psychic pressure on ice wall?

Also, is Joint penalty limited to amount of hits taken? I heard it is now, so that would make linker for me quite useless in multi hit build.

I want a fun build, but i dont want to be weak and i might actually change the build, though i would love to keep cryo in build.

Heck i could even go for pyro-cryo only if fire wall with ice wall would combo well. I was just thinking about linker in build in case i would be just too weak with c1 rank classes, so that people would still take me to dungeons.

My goal with this wizard is (aside from fun) to create Alchemist at rank 6 and 7. But i dont want pyro-linker-alchemist only. I would also like to avoid the common cryo-kino as well. Also because i wouldnt be sure how many circles i should invest in cryo and how many in psychokino for best dmg result. If c1 psychokino is enough for shards combo (if more dmg would come from shards then from psychic pressure) then i could consider c3 cryo, c1 psychokino, c2 alchemist. But for now i got curious about cryo-pyro synergy.

Has anyone tried cryo-pyro?

p.s. i was also thinking about psychokino-linker combo (single target multi hit with joint penalty to make several enemies hurt from it sounds like fun). But again if joint penalty is removed after few hits, then i would propably remove linker from build.

Ice Shards are projectiles that are produced by hitting the Ice Wall with Psychic Pressure or with melee attacks. The Ice Shards fly at the same angle as the direction the caster of the Ice Wall is facing, and will hit the first thing it comes in contact to. It can go a bit further than half the screen.

Psychic Pressure does nothing to Fire Walls, only Ice Walls and Fireballs. Fireball-PP isn’t a popular combo because the bursts created aren’t focused into one direction, they have a shorter range, and because the Fireballs tend to move forward every 2 hits.

It’s like this LOL

Fire Wall + Ice Wall is also a pretty bad combo because to get the maximum effect of Fire Wall, you want the enemies to move along it, but Ice Wall tends to freeze enemies that touch it (and also deal small damage).

Joint Penalty is limited to Skill Lv * 10 hits. So at Lv5, it’s still pretty decent with 50 hits.

Yes, Psychokino 1 is enough for the shards combo.

The only single target multi-hit Psychokinos have is Telekinesis, which is very slow and generally not considered as move used to deal damage because you’ll do more damage using that time to auto-attack instead. But you can use it as an AoE by smashing the target into a group of enemies.

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Thank you!
Your reply helped me a lot.
Some questions though: does fire wall trigger ice shards from ice wall or is only melee hits and psychic pressure exclusive for ice shards? Is it better to be c1 cryo c3 kino or c3 cryo c1 kino for best dmg from shards? Didn’t know Psychic pressure is an aoe - what is the size of its aoe? Flare/magic arrow size(small)? Throw Gu Pot/Flame Ground size (medium)? Bigger then that? It hits in a cone (like barrage) or in circle? Perhaps in a rectangle in front? Or maybe in long line (like high anchoring for example)?

Oh and i was also wondering if Subzero shield and reflect shield decrease the damage taken? And if so, is it based only on my shield defense or does SPR help to reduce dmg taken with these skills too?

Is Magnetic Force good for holding enemies togather? IT has aoe ratio 2 only, so i am unsure if it hold all enemies in its aoe range and just hurt 2 of them that collide or does it only hold 2 enemies? If it would hold all enemies in its range then perhaps i should pick c2 psychokino?

Because from what i understand, c1 cryo + c1 kino is enough to do well with ice shard combo, and increasing circles of either cryo or kino will just make the shard dmg stronger? It would mean that c1 class mix up could actually work out well!

Sorry for so many questions.

It’s a melee channeling aoe, probably around the size of Flame Ground.

It doesn’t seem to do so

Yes, but the problem is the AoE Ratio. It’ll only hold and damage the targets that you can take with your AoE Ratio. Personally, I swap to a Five Hammer every time I cast it

None of the skills’ levels directly increase the damage of your Ice Shards, however Ice Walls have an HP of [Skill Level * 2] and the number of blocks is [Skill Level +1]; and the target limit for Psychic Pressure is [Skill Level +4]. Your Psychic Pressure deals 1 damage per tick to the Ice Wall, each tick produces 3 shards per block. Psychic Pressure ticks twice per second.

I’m gonna skip the math part, it was already extensively discussed somewhere else. If you’re limited to R2-R5, the highest damage for your Ice Shards would be [Cryo2 + Kino2], but it’s inadvisable because you lose out on the best skills for both classes. Comparing [Cryo3 + Kino1] with [Cryo1 + Kino3], the first one would yield more damage for the IW-PP combo, but the second one unlocks more CC skills and has more damage outside of the combo.

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If neither subzero nor reflect shield reduce damage taken, then how to make defensive wizard? Should i put in full CON and get thaumaturge for CON-INT swap? Or full INT and swap to CON when needed?

That being said, is sub zero worth taking? If not i would propably stick to c1 cryo only.

I heard somewhere wizards should go for 70 con, and all other points in INT. Is it correct? I am unsure if i need that much con. OR MAYBE i dont need INT at all (i heard wizards in pvp take full CON)? Does INT scale just like STR?

As for Magnetice Force i was wondering if linking targets with linker would help to make it hit more of them, and therefore pull in more of them?

Oh and is Gravity Pole that good? Does it trigger ice shards too?

And can i freeze multiple enemies with Ice bolt if they are linked?

RS mitigates damage, reflecting it back to its source. Has base mitigation + SPR amount. Shitty skill, not worth it.

Subzero, when redesigned, was supposed to reduce damage taken by 20% or 50%, i dont remember and i dont know if they removed that or not (i dont have a cryo c2 to test). If the % mitigation is still there, it is worth going C3 just to have it 100% uptime and to get the ice pillar.

Level CON until you are satisfied with your HP, no fixed number.

It wont. Hangman’s Knot attribute can reduce their AoE defense tho, but they would be already grouped…

Yes (PvE) and No (PvP -> after the nerf on KR server). Doesnt trigger shards.

Havent tested freeze myself, but with my Barbarian I could stun every mob linked with my Helm Chopper and Seism, even if they were not in the actual AoE of the skill.

As long as the skill does damage, the CC should spread as well. (but things like Sleep wont affect all linked mobs i guess)

Taking Alch will already make your build weak in PvP.
Should as well focus on support with your linker and cryo skills if you want to go there, so more CON.

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