Tree of Savior Forum

Cryo/Psycho Combo?

I have seen these two used together like this on several videos but what kind of build would be necessary to do that? I know from the title that this individual used Cryo C3, but is that necessary for this to be a successful build? What about the Psycho C?

Would it still be a viable build in parties if I went Full on C3 in both? Would the damage drop off badly rank 7+?

Or, would it be better to go something like Wiz 1 > Cryo 2 > Psycho 1 > Chrono 3 or Linker 2 > Warlock C1?

For that matter, what stats would be needed?


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As far you have Cryomancer C1 and Psychokino C1 you have the combo available. Of course the more levels you have in Ice Wall the more ā€˜damageā€™ you deal since youā€™ll hit more targets. Then again higher AoE count on Psychic Pressure also aids in hit count. Now the damage is based on your magic attack if I recall rather than the skill damage. But I might be wrong.
Still Cryo/psycho combo is a strong combo AoE wise if you have a tanker/linker setup or for boss killing.

Also since Psychic Pressure takes 1% SP per sec you donā€™t really need SPR at all due to cost eise SPR count doesnt matter. But rathet high Int/Con eoulf be better. You also have Gravity Pole which is Psychokino C3 which also deals damage now over time along with pulling targets within that line. The cost per sec there is 2% SP per sec. So all in all psychokino has a much better SP consumption and better cooldowns on their kit to make them viable.

I am not 100% sure if it works, but rune of ice might be really good for this combo.

I have read somewhere that the combo is based on mAtt damage as well, that leaves for a lot of options! You could potentially go simply Cryo 1 and Psycho 1 and be good to get anything else after then, wouldnt you? haha

I have also seen that mentioned to be in combo with Cryo DPS builds, but I am concerned about its usefulness without Wiz C3. Then again, Wiz 3 > Cryo 2 > RC 1 > Psycho 1 could work

Isa, protection and Giant rune all have fairly long durations. 50, 50 and 150s max, so if you plan on picking up rune for support only, then you can probably ditch wiz 2/3, and pick up cryo 3 and ele 1 for more ice damage.

Buuuut if you plan on using Runeā€™s attacks I would keep wiz 3.

The ā€œicicle shotgunā€ combo, imo, is most optimal with lv 7 ice wall and lv 5 PP. Lv 7 wall makes 8 segments, lv 5 PP hits 9 targets.

Draw a box around yourself, swap with the boss (or some mobs), and PP the box. Some of the shards wont hit the boss, but youā€™ll be getting the PP damage too.

Oh thatā€™s super interesting! Would something like this work then? Iā€™m just throwing Warlock in as a place holder, it seems like it has the potential to deal more than Ele 1 even with the ice buff but I could be wrong. Also, why not Ice Wall lv 8 for 9 targets to match lv f5 PPā€™s 9 targets?

It all depends on how you wanna spread your points. My strategy during iCBT2 was to make a box to trap the boss in, and for that I only needed 8 segments.

If your plan is to just make a 2 by X wall for shotgunning, then you can add however many points to wall as you want.

As long as you have an idea of what you want to do then itā€™s just a matter of adding points to taste.

Ah alright, thank you! If you donā€™t mind, would you tell me how viable that build I linked is? I could see replacing Cryo C3 for a Linker C1 or C2 if I drop Warlock but Iā€™m not sure!

Your class choices seem fine to me. Frost pillar serves the same purpose as Hangmanā€™s knot and is easier to set up, so you donā€™t necessarily have to switch things for linker. It should be noted though, that you can use JP on your ice walls (fact check goes here), so linker can be used as a psycho substitute.

Itā€™s all up to preference, so the following are opinions which should be taken with many grains of salt:

  • Take points out of either lethargy or sleep and put them into your wizard attacks to help speed up initial questing, you probably donā€™t need both of them anyways
  • I prefer swap over teleport because of my ice box setup
  • I donā€™t like dark theurge/surge much, so Iā€™d take the points out of that to cap pole of agony and put the rest in mastema
  • Subzero can be helpful for not dying so give that a look if thatā€™s why you picked Dark Theurge/surge

Alright awesome, thank you so much!

Also, this is a video demonstrating the Joint Penalty idea! Pretty neat, now I just need to decide what to choose! xD

Published on Aug 9, 2015

right now that can be ice-wall suicide :wink:

I donā€™t get it, why suicide? If you use Joint Penalty on the Ice Wall will it hit you with the shards?

Oh yea, I think I remember reading somewhere that with the JP change/fix it makes PP and JP both hit every wall each tick, but only one of the two will generate shards or something silly like that. can you confirm @DrRM?

BUT if you melee linked walls or get someone to do it for you, that shouldnā€™t cause a problem.

There was a pvp vid of 8walls linked i think, he was smacking it with a staff and all 8walls shot projectiles, cant confirm

cant confirm, but that seems about right from what I rememberā€¦

You know on further comparison either way Psycho does the job WAY quicker than Auto-attacking them with Linker could unless you also went Chrono (Which COULD work, Cryo 2 > Psycho 1 > Chrono 3). I still think Linker would be a good idea though even if you did go Cryo + Psycho, it would allow for more support viability and it ensures that you can still hit multiple enemies with the ice shards even if your walls are in a bad position to hit a lot of enemies :stuck_out_tongue: