Tree of Savior Forum

Cryo + Linker build. Viable?

Haven’t played CBT, but wanting to jump in early access. Got my eyes on linker, but don’t know exactly how useful each skill is, so if anyone could look over this build and give critique, it would be helpful. Heard pressure + ice wall was powerful still, so threw in psy

No, just read topics.

Don’t have much time now so i can’t help you as i would like to, but spending ranks 6 and 7 on rank 2 class is a waste.

If you want C3 Cryo, drop Linker or Kino and go for something stronger on the last ranks.

If no one else comes and helps you out, i will when i have the time. Hang in there.

So, tentatively thinking either:

Wiz > Cryo > Psy > Link x2 > Necro x2

to keep the pressure + wall + link combo or

Wiz > Pyro > Link x2 > Sorc x3

to drop the cryo + psy set and go with sorc.

Not sure how necro and sorc compare to each other, and if the pet ai and card collecting is worth the trouble over another dps branch.

The second one looks better, you can also try Sorc>Necro2 instead of Sorc3, up to you.

Wiz > Pyro > Linker 2 is a very solid way to build summoners.

you can also go:

Wiz > Cryo 3, which has CC to make your summons focus their damage.

I believe these are the 2 best ways to go the summoning way.

okay I have some questions regarding that build.

i agree that picking up on cryo c2 and c3 that late in game is not a perfect idea.
but lets say you pick cryo>psy, you would have the IW+PP combo,which is powerful but has a long CD.

what you want to accomplish now is the possibility to fill the gaps and gain a good rotation. wouldnt linker c2 be a good option to not only reach many targets with PP (while IW is on CD), telekinesis, ice pike and ice bolt, but also makes you a good support in dungeons and secures you a spot in a grinding party until rank 7 ? this would not be a top-dps nor an easy solo build, but it would provide a couple of supports skills and strong cc. necro/summon/featherfoot could benefit from that.

it would not be easy to play but done well i can image this to be fun and usefull.

just keep in mind that you wont be dealing a lot of dmg asides from PP+IW and you should invest a good amount of money in monster gems and that ice wand .

i forgot the questions:

  • would the dmg be too low? (and by too low i mean that bad that you would quit playing)
  • say OP wants to pick featherfoot after that, since he heard of the good synergy with linker and featherfoot… which class would be best picked at rank 6 ? sorcerer c1 does not have “hold” anymore, necro c1 would highly rely on the corpse postions. cryo c2 wouldnt be a good idea, agreed, psycho 2 well… i dont know :slight_smile:
  • when searching for psycho + linker i only find outdated posts. maybe someone experimented a bit with that and would care to share? :slight_smile:

@OP situational viable - if you’re a solo player most of the time it wouldn make sense to play it that way

if you play in parties most of the time its perfectly viable

wiz - cry - psy can yolo pretty well and still nuke early bosses (gonna work better than a guy who plays wiz3 to yolo up - only wiz - pyro - link is going to be better in terms of early advantage)

the linker makes party play more viable - lets say you link stuff + use hk + use ice pike = more damage from your mates skills (perfect build to pair with an ele or krivis to clear common monsters)

so as soon as your linker got a few skill points you can duo pretty well with other guys

once you reach rank 7 its even easier to clear hardcore stuff most effectively in a group (tree gives your group 10 seconds to deal some devastating damage on enemies cought) once tree is on cd you still got your jp + hk + icepike to contribute on that

sure you give up alot in solo play but youre an effective party support and make sure that your teams dps skyrocket in tough places where dps matters (like et)

if you enjoy this kinda playstyle youre free to go for it nothing stops you xD if you wanna miss on “boss nuking potential” in the early game and also late game you could drop psy and go instead for warlock/feather late game to contribute some serious dps + being more viable in pvp as well (psy 1 wont help you much in pvp - the circle 2 stun is just too good for that)