Tree of Savior Forum

Cryo C3 > Sorc still viable?

Hey , I came back from a 3 month break and after reading some topics about what’s the best choice after Cryo 3 , I saw some message speaking about the nerf of Sorcer .

I wondered if it’s still a good choice , if not what would be the best with Cryo C3 if I’m not going totaly support (Cryo > Chrono) and would prefere not to go Psyco , thanks.

Cryo 3 > Sorc 2 > X > Y is fine, but don’t expect to be better or even close to meta. Good news is that both classes are getting more buffs later (already in ktos).

Yes, a good advice. Necro-Sage would be grate, so you are support with Cryo3-MissileHole and DD becaus Necro1 allows your Temple Shooter deal tripple damage if target is under 2 decays - one from Shoggoth, and one from FC/DirtyPole. This works when we get ktos buffs.

Ok , thanks for your help.
I might go Sorcerer 2 then , but is it really worth going necro C1 instead of something like linker or even warlock ?

Warlock c1 is bad, too low damage without wiz c3 full int and good weapon. Link1 is ok and easy to play, but as for sorcerer necro1 will be better I guess. But link is also ok.

I think that I’ll go Necro or linker depending to my plays style and liking then , thanks for your help , I was a bit scared to fail a character