Tree of Savior Forum

CRYO C3 > ? > ? > ? .... Help please!

Hey guys!
I don’t know what to choose D:

The only thing i know is that i’m not the support guy and like both PVP and PVE!

Usually i play alone, so idk which class to choose.

Could u help me?

This seems to be a popular build. Not a bad one either, and suggests that a brave heart is required. I’ve seen quite a few people use this build.

Idk… it seems to be a hard build to late game…

I never saw a sorcerer in the game, only in a few videos, and it seems to be a hard class to play because u never burst!

I was thinking about Wiz1>Cryo3>Psy2>Warlock

What do u think? I dont know if i can grind well in this build…and sometimes it look likes i’ll choose this build only because the pressure skill D:

Is it woth?

I too think Sorcerer isn’t the best option. However, Psychokino 2 is almost wasted IMO. Go 1 or 3.
Reason: Psycho 2 provides only the Stun on PP (useless for PvP) and a few more shards for PP+IW combo. That’s it.

If you want to stick with Warlock, you could go Linker, as the class is always useful. Rune Caster also provides utility for your build.

You could also drop WL and go Psycho3 instead or a whole other route like Cryo3 > Chrono3 (which would make you more support heavy though).

I agree, Psychokino 2 seems a bit awkward.
Rune Caster and Linker, also awesome.
As for Sorcerer, yeah it can be a bit dumb sometimes(most of the time) but I can’t deny that it can be entertaining haha. I’m a Sorcerer, and I can kill most people in 1v1 in a few seconds(though this probably means nothing once we can enter PvP and shit gets nerfed for balance).