Tree of Savior Forum

Cryo C3 and what more for PVE?

I was playing last days again because i leave because my confusion but now i have see the new classes and i want to play again, but i just know that i love cryo C3 but i dont have any other decision already and i want to make a soling pve cryomancer please give me a advice ppl ty for read :smiley:

Cryo3 Chrono3 for best support.

Or if you’d like to switch to offensive:
You may go Sorcer1/2 - warlock1/2.
Or Sorcerer1/2-Featherfoot1/2.
You will need a Templeshooter card though.

Psychokino3 - X.

Or Icewall blaster build of course.

i think cryo3>link1>runecaster>FF2 but i dont know XD

cryo3>sorc1>necro2 for pokémon master

but sorcer 1 is enought strong?

Guys the chrono cryo is hable to do solo raids?or if maybe i use sage this will? and what weapon i can use with my cryo c3 im using at the moment a ice rod but im already 90 so idk if change of weapon please help :smiley:

The +2 skill from ice rod is better than any other weapon for a long time, I’d use it until you get a decent 170+ weapon. Also, Ledas Shield from the 115 dungeon is an great OH for cryo up to endgame.

fyi, Enchant Lightning is changing (most) spell damage to lightning property in ktos atm (unsure if it’s a bug), which would give you +50% damage on frozen targets (cryo attribute). Linker gives the same, stackable bonus (+50%), potentially making cryo>linker>RC>enchanter a viable base for a Support/DPS hybrid. (ie Cryo3>linker>RC>lock>enchanter).

Pretty speculative at this point, but something to keep an eye on.

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And just for dps? Because i like todo use my cryo for make many kills he gather rll fine the monster with frost tree

If you’re strictly looking for a cryo3 solo build, cryo3>linker>Sorc2 or Cryo3>Sorc3 is probably your best bet. If your goal is to solo dungeons, you’ll probably want to grab a rank of warlock for boss damage, ie Cryo3>Sorc2>Warlock.

Ty vm i will think on made sorcere maybe a cryo 3 linker2 sorcer 1 warlock?

Wiz > Cryo 3 > Linker 3 > Warlock might work, I’d get Linker 2 > Warlock 2 probably.

I don’t think builds with Warlock should go without Linker or at least Wiz 3 or other AoE stuff.

I like the idea of going Wiz Cryo3 Linker 2 Sorc2 its kinda support dps build

I was thinking tonite about

because the sage looks DPS and with chrono will be a nice mix and i dont want sorcere XD i think is leave the work to the summon T_T
and i wanna to play more XD

but what about just one lvl of sorcere? is bad think?

cryo3>chrono3>sage is a great build, but you’ll find the damage is too low for solo, bosses especially will take a very long time.

The 3 key things for dungeon soloing are:

  1. strong ability to kill large packs
  2. enough single target damage for bosses
  3. survivability, for us this mostly comes down to CC

Cryo3 covers number 3 and helps out with 1. But the hardest one to get as wizard is 2, which for you would be: pyro2+, kino1 + RC, warlock1+. Warlock is only average without quickcast, but would be enough (PoA scrolls will help). Cryo3>kino/link0/1>pyro2/3>sage could be an good route too, I’d get some input from a cryopyro player though. The few I’ve played with have done good damage all around (also a strong pvp build), but the damage falloff at R8 might be too much.

I wouldn’t recommend stopping at sorc1. The scaling on Summon’s damage is poor at lvl5 and bats are weak at 5 too. You’d also be missing out on riding, which is a huge part of the class for both damage and utility. Expensive for losing your sp regen.

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thank you for the info Ziroth so the best is maybe go for cryo sorc3? and what about FF the flying skill sound rll nice and cryo mix fine with linker and with feather so maybe cryo 3 linker RC and FF2? i dont know i think it will be nice.

One last question really fast, is better make a money maker first or a DPS first, because i think maybe i will make a alchemist but i dont know if in the future or make it first.

Rank 2 is kind of the sweet spot for sorc, I would go linker>sorc2>sage(?) for the Sorc path. But I think you’d like that FF2 build more, looks fun to play and pretty good at R8.

edit: looks like skills with rune of giants is probably a bug.

Haven’t done any crafting classes myself so I can’t say how profitable they are these days, but you get a lot of silver just from killing mobs and questing. I would focus on the character you want to play (DPS).

After thinking a lot about what is the best way to make my Cryo 3 fully soling for the raids and chosing the think that i like more i just have 3 options so if people on the server can help me to chosse i will be so thankfull, im wiz1>cryo3>linker1>?>FF2 in the missing slot is my problem, i have thaum for the transpose skill that mekes the FF more powerfull with blood curse, wiz2 to sure spell but just for that and maybe snow rolling, and Necro 1 because i see it mixed nice with the FF debuff.
Please let my now which one and why, thank you very much.