Tree of Savior Forum

Cryo C1 + Psycho C3 = Weak Icewall + PP Combo?

I’m trying to decide between a variation of these two builds. I’m starting to have doubts as to whether it is worth wasting a circle on Cryomancer for what may end up being a weak burst combo.

Icy NecroKino
Wizard C1 > Cryo C1 > Psycho C3 > Necro C2

Wizard C3 > Psycho C3 > Necro C1

The idea is to create an all around build that excels at PvP, while performing reasonably in PvE. I like Necro for the power of flesh canon to provide a scaling nuke to fill in DPS between PP and Gravity Pole uses. Taking Cryo gives additional tools, such as the ability to create impassable terrain and to set up a large burst. What I would give up, however, is the future-proofing and potential larger damage scaling off of Necro with Quickcast.

You are correct that PP + Icewall falls off if you don’t go Cyro 2.
Wiz 3 + Psy combos way better.

The problem with Wiz C3 -> Psycho is that you really don’t get any benefit from the cast time reduction on Quickcast. Burning two circles without getting the full benefit of Quickcast seems wasteful.

Does anyone know how to calculate the ice wall + pp damage for different levels of the skill? Will it not also eventually fall off even if taking Cryo 2?

Damage of shards increases with Matk/Park, whichever is higher.
What increasing the wall level does is the amount of time you can use PP on it. Each level increases the wall hp, which means more shards. If you don’t really want to increase your cryo to 2, you could also do just fine with the Audra staff, which I’m currently using.
Wiz 2 is cool for sure spell, since psycho skills can easily get interrupted otherwise. But if you go wiz 2, may as well go wiz3.

Also, since you are psycho 3, your PP hits a lot of target so increasing cryo will increases the number of wall you can put up and hit with PP. Your choice really.

+50% damage is not wasteful in the slightest.
That’s the best part of the entire skill. Casting quicker is cool and all, but that 50% damage is most important.
And surespell is especially important for Psy.
The damage increase for PVE and PVP is ridiculously worth it, and magic missle is great for finishing off kills. You’d be surprised how often you need it.

So… I was wondering. Can you use the Icewall combo only with a dagger?
Wizz 3, Cryo 2, Rune 1 + dagger?