Tree of Savior Forum

Cryo 3 Sorc Necro 2 concerns

Hey everyone.

I’ve been reading the forums and looking through builds for a while now and a lot of information regarding summoner builds seem pretty scattered. I was hoping to get some opinions or advice as to which direction I should go.

My first thought was Cryo 3 Sorc Necro 2 since Cryo just seems like the way to go in terms of CC, but as for only going Sorc 1 I get conflicting information. Some say going Sorc 2 for the commands isn’t necessary while others say it is so I’m a bit lost. Lastly, for Necro, I’m not entirely sure how hard it’ll be to manage corpses but the potions make it seem doable.

My next thought was to go Cryo 3 Sorc 2 Warlock. Cryo for the same reasons. Sorc 2 for the commands, and Warlock since going only Necro 1 seemed pointless and Warlock skills seem very worthwhile.

So if anyone could offer some sort of guidance, I’d really appreciate it.

In my case, I decided to go for the less popular vote on my builds, which is similar to yours. Mine will take the Cryo3Sorc3 path. I really like the crowd control that Cryo3 provides.

I read somewhere that your main Sorc summon can’t use its skills unless you mount it, which is a C2 skill. Odd feature if you ask me, but I’m going for Sorc3 mainly for Evocation and Desmodus. I want to test for myself how good or bad these spells are. If you’re comfortable not having the extra command skills for Sorc, go ahead and keep it at C1.

I’ve seen several videos showcasing X Circles + Sorc1Necro2. They all looked fun and you could totally go down that path if you wanted to. Apart from what others have heard from kToS summoners, I’m not entirely sure why many people dislike Sorc1Necro2 either. Someone told me that many kTos players felt the need for the C2 commands from Sorc so they advised against picking just C1.

Fun does not need to be “cookie cutter” or “competitive”. I’d say, if you’re like me who never played any of the betas, go for broke on your first char and try out a combination you like! You could always make a new char later on when you’re more knowledgeable about the game.

Cryo 3 Sorc Necro 2 ir very good, I believe Sorc 2 > Warlock is better though.

Potion is all, 30 corpses for 500s with 30sec cooldown. You don’t have to use either disinter or gather, only to make it a LITTLE cheaper for you.

If you want make a build and post so people improve it for you.

As a fellow Cryo3 Necro 2, here is my build:

I decided to go Sorc over Link or Kino because Linker got nerfed really hard, and I prefer more summons to tele.

For reference, here’s my build for Cryo3Sorc3:

I’m not sure yet if I want to keep it at Sorc3 or go Sorc2Warlock1. I’m still at a low level so I have plenty of time to decide on what to do. :slight_smile:

How good is this build as bosses and lvling and stuff ?? Is going sorc 3 better or sorc 2 or going necro? What stats are ya putting in? Int?

sorry to double post but wouldent wiz, pryo , psyc 1 2, sorc 1,2 warlock be a good build?

Put this togther

sorc 3 is very likely to get buffed, but the reason for that is that it is just bad right now. Go sorc 2 > warlock or Sorc > Necro 2 for more summons (necro has FC and FH which deal quite some damage).

No, Sorc 2 > Warlock is fine, but the best combination for that would be either Pyro > Linker 2 or Pyro 2 > Linker. Links work very well with summons.