Tree of Savior Forum

Cryo 2 > Elem 3 > ? >?

So, today I’ve reset my wizard to Cryo2Elem3 and I’m honestly having tons of fun with it, more than I had with Wiz3Elem3 yesterday and though I’ll still try some more builds in the next few days, I feel I might want to make this my permanent build in the end.

My only doubt is where to go from there on my next rank ups. I’ve considered taking Cryo3 at rank 7 and then Sage, Runecaster or Enchanter at rank 8. I’ve also considered taking Chrono2 for Haste/Quicken, but it kinda feels like wasting the ranks. And I guess there’s always the cookie-cutter option of taking WL2 here as well.


I’m trying Cryo3Ele3Rc1. Casting rune is slow so i only use Ice, Destruction and Protection. Justice feels like a waste of time.

Cryo3Ele3 is a huge combo because of frozen pillar. It gives you both distance and time to cast elementalist skills without getting interrupted and it also gathers all mobs togheter for Frost Cloud, electrocute and hail.

As you may have seen Electrocute on frozen targets is incredibly strong, and Frozen tree helps a lot on AoE freeze while you are charging electrocute.

For me this build seems great. Rune caster is a little out of place, maybe there is something better. Rune of Ice + Ice blast + Frost Pillar is great AoE clear for 8 targets. Ice wall + Energy blast is still a strong combo. Also freezing sphere is amplified by rune of ice and i’m hitting for 100k per sphere, which is not bad at all.

Can only bring opinion on this build, haven’t tested much yet.

Went for chrono 2 for quicken and haste. Build was fun to play but lacking in single target spell. Will try out pyro2 ele3 and wl2 tmr

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Does rune of protection helps in PVE?

Welp, not really, only preventspoisons i think from enemies, but it’s something

Cryo3 its too good to let it go to be honest

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