Tree of Savior Forum

Cryo 1 > Linker 2 > Chrono 3 on late game

Im going for a full suport build on my wizard, so i was following Cryo 1 > Linker 2 > Chrono 3 build. But after i did some research some people said this build is very bad late game,
So i dont know if I wanna continue with it, so far i have already got cryo 1 > linker 1.
Should i continue with this build or should i swap to another one or should i start another character?

Your call.

At Rank 3 its pretty fast to reroll the character but if Linker is fun to you, stick with it.

but do you think i should still go crono 2 after linker 2? im worried that i’ll be useless late game, because this is a full suport build and if im not wanted in parties late game i wont play the game at all…

Chrono is probably the most wanted class in the entire game. Go Chrono 3 and people throw themselves at you.

That said, I personally don’t think Linker 2 is worth it and you should think about an alternative.

Just curious, why did people say that this build is bad late game? Is it just because it’s not Cryo 3-Chrono3? I’m a Cryo-Linker2-Chrono3 and I enjoy it very much. Everybody is hating on Linker2 nowadays but I don’t have any other classes that I’d rather put there. Plus, I can share my QS3 pal’s Running Shot with the rest of my party, and whenever there isn’t a tank I can just link the mobs in a dungeon. I haven’t reached ET yet so can’t comment on that. I’m really just curious why people said it’s bad, considering it’s a reliable variant of the Cryo3.

I dont have the source i saw this with me because I didnt save them, but i saw some post on the forum that said this build is bad for late game content…
I went with this build because I thought it would be fun to play with all the utility this build provides and so far im doing just fine (im lvl 66 still) but after I saw those posts im afraid of being useless or not wanted at late game…

Im following this build:

People tend to over react on the forums (or the internet in general).

Linker isn’t bad for end game content right now, just a little worse than cryo 3.
Once rank 8 hits the server you could even go linker 3 (which is 1000 times more worth it thank linker 2 IMO).

Alternatively you could go Cryo 2 and later Cryo 3 or or or

It’s just that right now the linker path of Chronomancers won’t be “complete” regardless of the “filler class”.

Just relax and don’t believe everything you read on the internet. Everybody loves Linkers and/or Chronos. Also your build is pretty fine, you’ll do okay.

I also want to know how people feel when they’re partying with a linker as well( cryo -> linker -> linker -> 3chrono here).

I wanted to chime in, as I posted that build. The DPS gain is very handy with Linker 2. I think people who say Cryo3 or nothing are being very shortsighted.

Not to mention being able to pass Running Shot and Healing Factor, as well as Quick cast is very handy. In the future, there may be even more buffs you can pass with Spiritual Chain. There are lots of possibilities. Linker scales very well. Cryomancer is good too. And you must remember, there is more to the game than Earth Tower. When it comes to dungeons or any situation where mobs are up to 11, Linker is better than Cryomancer.

If you get Linker 3 at Rank 8 guess what? You’re now more useful than Cryomancers for bosses. You could spec to have full dex and pass that to the entire team. So much potential.

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Linker2 - Chrono3 is a solid build for the entire game. I am a lvl 280 pyro - linker2 - chrono3, currently running Earth Tower with a static group. Yes, the current meta is cryo3 chrono3, but if you really wanna make an optimal build for Earth Tower you have to toss away 99% of the builds in ToS.

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between Cryo and Pyro for Rank 2 which one would have more benefit in the long run?

I think Cryo is better for a full support, since it can freeze enemies. However it’s much difficult for soloing, so Pyro if you want to play solo (at least on early levels).

In all fairness mentioning 11 mobs is a moot point. If you go linker 3 you miss out on chrono 3 and that puts you at a serious disadvantage to other chrono 3 players (regardless of linker or cryo).

Any situation where there are more than 8 mobs and cryo is better. This is the majority of grinding areas and dungeons past 200 - not just earth tower.

That being said, I understand that linker 2/chrono 3 is anticipating rank 8 linker 3 where it will probably shine better. However we don’t know if we’ll get another support class in rank 8 that may be better or worse than linker.

In hindsight it doesn’t make much different. No one will deny a chrono 3 a party. Your choices in earlier ranks don’t change that. People will love linkers for the DPS increase and people will love cryos for the added control. People will be happy to see you in their party regardless.

The biggest difference for me was the fun factor. With linker you sacrifice a ton when it comes to gameplay. You only link and buff - you might as well not be doing damage.

Cry, in my opinion, offers much more engaging gameplay with frost pillar and snow rolling. It’s very fun. I’ve played both and I much prefer cryo.

Linker Chrono is very good at end game content, though it excels more on the casual side of things than on the harder content (Earth Tower, most notably since there are so many mobs that would be easier to deal with when CC’ed by frost pillar/snow rolling than a 4 second JP + HK combo).

Of course certain party compositions have better synergy with Linker than with Cryo, and vice versa, so there isn’t really a true answer to the question of which class is the “best” support since everything is situational.

In short, late game linker is still useful and there is little reason to reroll unless you’re planning on doing the difficult harcore PvE content endgame and you have a party composition that benefits better from Cryo than Linker (ex: Elementalist and other AoE party members appreciate frost pillar more than joint penalty in most situations)

I do believe Linker/Chronos can use Pass with Joint Penalty to link 16 monsters together too and there are other situations where Linker outshines Cryo even with 8+ monsters.

I believe either linker/chrono or cryo/chrono will do well end game. It really depends on the party composition. For example the static group I’m leveling with has a cryo-runecaster, it makes more sense to go linker/chrono since he will be providing much of the CCs the party needs.