Tree of Savior Forum

Crit attack formula

Does anyone know what is the current critical attack formula?
Last time i remember it was just flat dmg when critical happen.
Can anyone mind to share?

Skill Factor*(PATK*1.5+CATK)*(min(1,log10((PATK/(DEF+1))^0.9+1)))+Additional Damage

(Somewhat simplified as there are various modifiers and extra damages that affect these numbers.)

Crit Attack is multiplied by Skill Factor and eventually the log, so it is no longer Flat Damage.

It however is NOT used in the DEF calculation (and therefore log function).

so which means full dex is a thing now? LOL

Full DEX is really for ATKSPD, due to PATK being multiplied by the Crit Modifier, and it being used in the DEF calculation, CATK isn’t a particularly good stat comparatively.

Here’s a bit of an extreme, but interesting example compared to Velcoffer:

Higher PATK:

10.00*(5000*1.5+1000)*(min(1,log10((5000/(26048+1))^0.9+1))) = 7533

Higher CATK:

10.00*(1000*1.5+32000)*(min(1,log10((1000/(26048+1))^0.9+1))) = 7539

We’re dealing with low PATK values but the example holds true, in this scenario a 4000 PATK difference means needing 31000 more CATK to make up the difference.

And this is assuming a Crit hit, all those hits you’re not Critting on is unused CATK.

In other words, if you are able to ignore def, CATK builds will be viable. With that said, ignore def needs to work properly.

Look in this video:

When that guy made a barrage he make (critical shot up):
65491 with crit
20222 without crit

so it’s around x3.2

vs normal mob:

bounce shot (critical shot up):

146000 with crit
40091 without crit


For that build, dex looks better than str because he need atk speed for limacon/barrage/critical shot. And don’t forget “Evasion”.

Dex is not just for atk speed.

By sharing my result . With the result i got with my doppel, i will still stick with high str.

For the dmg test is without any debuff.
Skill lvl 7 Zornhau ( lvl 100 attribute ) + lvl 15 DOV ( Doppel self buff )
Target : Astral Tower 20f - Nastudeu


Set A is with high str and 0 dex
Set B is with high dex and 0 str

Left is Set A , Right is Set B

Doppel is better with high str.

Archer have the critical bonus wit critical shot (+50%) and later you can have +12% CATK on your armor (if you lucky).

So +62% crit atk.

Buffs like Critical Shot increase Critical DAMAGE not just CATK, meaning the PATK contribution to Crit also increases.

In basically all scenarios except in extreme situations where you’re hitting the min of the log function on very easy enemies, PATK will yield more raw damage.

Here’s a more moderate example against Velcoffer, assuming 5 Critical Shot Stacks, and a 400 STR investment, vs 400 DEX investment with 8000 base PATK:

Higher PATK:

10.00*((9000*1.5)*1.5)*(min(1,log10((9000/(26048+1))^0.9+1))) = 28596

Higher CATK:

10.00*((8000*1.5+2000)*1.5)*(min(1,log10((8000/(26048+1))^0.9+1))) = 27072

Going DEX is not a bad decision at all, the ATKSPD, and Evasion (and Block Pen for what it’s worth) are useful, it just needs to be on a class that utilises ATKSPD.

i agree,

Depend what class need atkspeed and the other stat of dex.

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