Tree of Savior Forum

Create your own chat room in game to chat with your friends

Hello, my name is [PoohVz][1] and i gonna show you how to make multi chat room in game.
Just follow this video and u should be fine :smiley:

Here is another tip by me: Quick tips to give a specific location on chat
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I also stream on youtube, subscrise for more smiley :

Bumb, i saw many ppl asking for this.

I wish you would have explained it as you did on the other post. Short and simple, not a video with 3 minutes of jibber jabber :cry:

Still, the initiative is appreciated :sunny:


Ha ha, i thought a video will be easier to follow the guide

  1. Whispering someone creates a chat channel
  2. Click the last icon in the chat window
  3. Add more people to your chat channel

Much easier and straightforward than watching you type in your chat box for 3 min. Thanks anyway, didn’t know this feature existed. :smile:


Thanks! Very helpful, didn’t know about this either.