What the hell is this server? its always crash and desync, especially in dungeons and CM, its unplayable. what a very crappy server!
Hello Joeberts
Can you please provide us further information about the issue you encountered? Like on what region/server are you currently playing and possibly a video of the lag connectivity issue you’re experiencing to help us with the investigation.
you can also submit a ticket about this issue to get further support.
it’s quite difficult to record it considering you never know when it will happen… desync occurs randomly when large amount of monsters are killed, the dead parts and silver/ item drop causes lag.
here is a crash log
PlayPadEffect at C
(null) at string “-- padskill_c.lua…”
cleric>priest3>chaplain>krivis3>inquisitor increases the chance of getting desync because it’s so fast at clearing the challenge mode, me and my party had 0.42 fps when a inquisitor carried us.
there is also a heavy delay in joining and leaving parties, the party also lags when someone joins or leaves
it has been brought up for years in korean tos that your character attacks twice if you have more than 200 ping. when you press attack once (only the animation, it still damages once)
i hope some day tos will be lag free like ragnarok, players can’t play dex builds and have to play wizard or cleric if they have high ping… tos server or client is horrible so alot of people get high ping.
some of my friends and i lagged every time a gold seller shouts their links, remove the free megaphones from tp shop and give them out with a hidden quest.
necromancer / sorcerer needs a unlock quest that is random similar to miko so bots can’t abuse this class to farm easily.
world boss / field boss seems to be the best way to combat bots, why not reduce the exp monsters give and spawn a field boss that is immune to pet damage and gives more exp?
there are too many bots everywhere in the map, i’ve reported hundreds of bots and come back to see the same bot in the same place for months… report button is clearly broken or imc needs to hire gms solely for getting rid of bots, it’s tedious trying to grind or farm materials and run into 5-10 necro bots…
pst…you might want to turn off dead parts. just sayin
This guy is a joke !!!
Does he even say he’s being charged by the Inquisitor and complains about Bot?
You’re as useless as a bot, or an AFK player, you’re sitting watching someone work for you. Exactly like a Necro AFK.
You must be a comedian.
i can actually play with all effects on on CM running at 38 fps the lowest after the optimization and current changes
@valdez.joeberts this is more of a rant than a report if you fail to at least provide information on which server you’re from
you dont even need to say the server, this happen in all the servers lol, just ask anybody in any server. Or got to the main discord.
surely not on mine 'w’y maybe you should check on your internet or your pc might be faulty 'w’b
im using a 50mbps optic fiber internet, with i7 2600 8gb of ram and R9 270, i check and clean my pc regulary, i even check my ping before i play the game, maybe this is a rant, but this is happening alot and i did not post this just to get attention, i really liked the game, and it hurts me so much why the servers are crappy, my server SEA, every day we get like 2-5 server crash in Kleipedia, andd everything i just said in the post.
SEA has an internet cable issue if you’ve been following some of the connection issues for the past month
some game servers will not be affected, some slightly, and some may become very unplayable. though have you tried using vpn and see if it improves? ‘w’
Nah, ive tried every VPN, it just makes my ping more worst and more unplayable.
that is very weird. i have no problems for the past few days after my internet provider checked my line though though i do notice your pc spec might be a bit low on the ram