Tree of Savior Forum

Craft system of my dreams?

Hello guys!

What do you think about craft on TOS?

My prefer craft mode is to find that little itens and put it on a big collection of empety bottles, potions, arrow, food and gold, why not?

I know, the information, imagens and videos are little, but i feel good vibes about it, lol

I love the little gimmick they added to equipment crafting. You can input whatever text you want and it will show up just like the screenshots below. :smile:

The Alchemist skill, Magnum Opus also looks like a lot of fun and I’m looking forward to try it out.

as a crafter myself this game crafting feature are mored deep than any mmo games i played…
both alche and squire are unique on its own way… i wonder about flethcer and other craft specific class works :blush:

The pardoner is pretty cool, being able to sell his skills!

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I’m hoping that craft system is like a special way to get a legendary item. cause u know that only players can do craft so i mean if there’s a way to make crafter shine! where they can make money and sell good item that u will never can get in the game except to craft it yourself. And i think it’s not bad to make the crafted items the highest item in the game. I mean u can get the materials from rare drops and make an ultimate weapon. It’ll make the game more interesting because u can’t instantly become pro for example with killing the dungeon boss and get legendary weapon then u win the game nope. I would rather a hard way that u need to collect the materials and this is also a good way to build a community right? lol it’s just my opinion.

It seems like most of the equipment bosses drop is in the form of recipes, so I’m sure there will be legendary type recipes! But I think recipes are single-use? And you have to recollect them to make the item again? But that’s fine.

that would be a nice idea making the special crafted items… it will stimulate supply and demand more fluently… while crafter will buy craft ingredient from the hunter, the hunter can get some coin from selling unusefull item in their inventory… and make crafter become a must have class to get some ultimate item… ofcourse someone that didnt like crafting element in the game can use our service to make the item via the recipes that they get from the boss battle :kissing:
hmm… this element make me want to try the game right away… goin into the corner pickin everything that drop to craft some item mwahaha :smile_cat:

I wish there will be grades for each equipment. The higher the grade, the higher status it has.
Besides that, please allow us to craft our own cosmetic/costumes, even if the developer makes it hard to collect the materials.

my last mmo i played got its craft system to craft decorated items for your house too… i hope they implemented some class specialist for cosmetic crafting if needed

So far it looks like fletcher can only make the arrow for it’s own skills :frowning:

However, they’re probably a good way to make some money, for all your lazy fletcher siblings.

is it really work that way?
thats gonna be a bummer… the class name really works as an arrow maker rather the arrow user…

Yeah, but thankfully their skills seem really balanced / strong.

However, who knows, they might be able to make some special stuff / arrows used for higher rank classes.

maybe that would be the case… late class need some special arrow from fletcher to works… the hidden class maybe heh :grin:
and after reviewing the crafting system in this game seems the basic for weapon and armor craft needs recipe… i just wonder if this recipes are single-use only or its gonna be added into our craft book?
i read it somewhere about it, but forgot it :sweat_smile:

There seems to be a craft book, but at the same time there seems to be an extra “recipe” like item required to craft, even from the crafting book. I too would like some clarification.

In these two videos, you can see the the players crafting objects. Both times they bring a recipe item into the crafting UI, and both times the item disappears. In Swamp’s video, he has several stacks of these scrolls. Are there both 1 use “crafting material recipes” and a Journal recipes?

Swamp’s Video

Another Crafting Video

based on that video (swamp’s video) the recipe is used as ingredients too, in the left Crafting interface it seems like we need to learn it 1st via npc like WoW and such, or its automatically available if we got the recipe… really need clarification to this :confused: