Tree of Savior Forum

Couldn't connect to the server, after the game update

Hi Guys,

Currently, no matter how I try (restarting, re-installing) I couldn’t connect to the server after the update. The current one just now… Anyone else experiencing this?

It’s not up yet, about another 5 minutes to wait.

Thanks dude! worried for a while, I got scared.

What are you doing on the forums? Get back to spam pressing enter!

No problem. :wink:

:open_mouth: I never really tried that before, I always end up in forums, and complaining. LOL which practically means, I kind of give up easily at time. LOL. But I’ll try that now. :smiley:

Haha I was just kidding. I’m always on these forums creeping around myself. It should be up now so get to it.