Tree of Savior Forum

Could you help me? W2>Psy3> and what?

Hi guys, i create this build

i think about necro, but i dont like “pets” i think the AI its stupid idk…

This is good so far? what do you suggest for me? i gonna play solo for the most of time.


wiz3>kino3> warlock so you can quick cast abilities and increase damage by 50%, use raise from kino 3 then pole of agony from warlock
you can go rune caster for the utility instead of warlock

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wiz3-kino3-either r7

alternatively you could go wiz2-kino3-chrono2, and then pick up chrono3 when rank 8 comes out. I think this will be better than the current cryo3-chrono3 meta for a chrono support build, but its not complete with the current rank cap.

you could go 2-2-3chrono instead for pass now, but that lacks a lot of utility since kinos best stuff comes from kino3, and in additiona having no wiz3 is just going to be pain, i deffinitly think wiz2-kino3 is only just bairly acceptable as is for quality of life issues while soloing, and while chrono2 lacks pass, it still has buffs… i dont know, its gonna be incomplete either way untill rank 8. Something to keep in mind though if you dont mind being suboptimal till then

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thx guys


Yep i also suggest going wiz3 > kino3 > warlock as it has good synergy.

What about the skills points they are good?

this is what i made now

Magnetic force is kinda useless, take those ten points off and add five in Gravity pole and five in telekinesis.
I see people put only 1 point in mastema and rest in dark theurge

Stay away from Reflect shield. Earthquake lvl 1 is enough (its just good for its cc - dmg doesnt scale good). Go for sleep15 - its awsome spell. Take lethargy1 (or 3 for attribute). Surespell7 is enough (its duration is already longer than its cd). MM and QC obviously maxed. Rest in EB for easier lvling early on - later useless anyway.

I would share some points from teleport into swap - having more options is always (almost) good. Dont know if its good leaving Gravity Pole at0 - maybe you sould transfer some points from either teleginesis or magetic force (better ask some kino to confirm).

Mastema is quite weak - it hits only once - better go for Dark Theurge4 and invocation5 for attribute.

does pp and gravity pole work with surespell(outside of knockbacks), or wiz3 just for the %50 buff ?

With surespell probably yes. Quickcast doesnt work on it (only its attribute does). But wiz3 will be helpful for late ranks.

What is MM and QC? =X
EB = Energy Bolt right?

Really Reflect shield is that ■■■■? EQ ok level 1, you got a point! Surespell yeah i think about 7 i ll follow too!

About the warlock skills, ok thx!


mm=Magic Missile
QU=Quick Cast
Eb= Energy Bolt

Reflect Shield used to be very good until they recenly nerfed it - now its waste of skills - they may balanced it later but there is always skill reset potion available if that happens.

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I’d save some points from earlier ranks to put in sleep. Even if you don’t pvp, CC always ages well, while the offensive spells drop off. A single point in swap and lethargy for niche uses. Lethargy in particular, can increase strike damage by 100% when traited, which sappers, monks, highlander/barbarians love.

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Though do anyone here knows how wiz3 > kino3 will fair in earth tower?

I assume quite well if you were to go warlock, quick casting abilities and using raise and gravity pole to keep monsters at bay while u leasing damage through PP and warlock skills

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