Tree of Savior Forum

Corsair Unlock Chest

So I’m pretty sure that I’m going to be a pirate as my main. I have been searching all info about the class, the skills, the stats, etc… but I just can’t find any info on unlock chest, is it worth it in any means? I first thought “Oh, I’ll use some time hunting lots of chests so I can be rich, a rich pirate” but I find out that the chests are not randomly generated so I couldn’t farm them, is this true? I’m looking for any of you that played (or is playing) the korean ToS that can tell me how all this chest system works.


id like to know that too
as far as i know the skill is kinda useless, but i dont know, they could add some chests do dungeons later on.

but wouldn’t it be too OP if only pirates can open them? Maybe have side quest and mechanic where Corsair classes gets to do treasure hunts across the map with rewards that scale with your level and attributes? Or the chest could contain buffs or utility type consumable items (makes it worthwhile to redo the treasure hunt)?

Not only Corsairs can open treasure chests. They just can use low level keys.

You still can use a level 10 key to open a level 10 chest.

Basically what the Corsair skill does is increase the level of the key used. A player can find a level 1 key and it can be used to open a level 1 chest. Corsairs can use that same level 1 key but it gets a +X where is X is the bonus from the skill. So they can open chests with lower level keys instead of having to find high level keys.

the problem is that, once u open all chests the skill becomes useles?

It just seems weird to me that no one knows nothing about it lol

For now, it’s useless since u can get high lvl key. Mybe at future patch, it will be more useful.

You played the Korean ToS or your statement is based on iCBT?

Still waiting for an update where this skill become worthy past lvl 5 tho.