Tree of Savior Forum

Corsair benefits

So I see people including corsair in guides and stuff and for me personally, I don’t really see why a lot of builds pick up Corsair C1.

  1. What is up with Jolly Roger? Why is it good? It buffs missile attacks? Swordsman are melee, wtf. Does Jolly Roger taunt nearby monsters or anything? I just don’t understand the appeal.

Also, the Unity attribute only works based on how many other corsairs are in your party? That’s trash. Corsair isn’t exactly common, it would be a decent attribute if it worked while solo.

  1. Pillaging is decent, but to take an entire circle just for that? Meh.

  2. I know Corsair is taken often in PvP builds because of Iron Hook, but I see it in PvE builds as well, example Sw3 > Pelt1 > Corsair1 > Fencer3.

That is a meta fencer build, what does corsair provide?

Please help me understand.

Corsair C1 is mostly a filler that brings nice utility.

  1. Corsair is a support class, so JR boosting missile damages is a nice addition for a party. Also yes, it aggroes the nearby monsters. Its circle is rather big, so if you have no Pelt to taunt, it’s pretty nice.

Like you said, a lot of people take it as a filler, so it’s not that rare to have other Corsairs in your team if there are other swordsmen… but yes, it’s not a great attribute anyway.

  1. Pillage is pretty amazing actually. You can drop extra silver, cards, cubes, rare mats… It’s also pretty nice if your build can solo-farm.

  2. It’s a bit weird to take both Pelt and Corsair rather than Barb 1 or another filler that could increase your DPS, but those are simply that: fillers. Then it depends on what you want to do… Pelt 1 filler is to take the role of tank from time to time/for the love of Swash, Barb 1 filler is mostly for Cleave, Corsair 1 filler is for PvP/the little utility it can bring.

(Not sure how meta Sw 3-Pelt-Corsair-Fencer 3 is though… I quite rarely see it. I see much more often Barb 2/High 2-Fencer 3, or Barb 1-Corsair-Fencer 3)

And overall, it can simply be because people enjoy the class, or the idea of being a pirate.


Corsair also has a special ultimate skill: “Ultimate Ultra Mega Super Omega Beta Alpha Channel Crasher!!!”

Things IMC do to try make the game more appealing…

The other reason for taking Corsair with Fencer is Dust Devil, which is a CC skill and has excellent damage with few points, like most skills from this class. It benefits from Lunge debuff making a good combo: Lunge>Dust Devil>Double Slash>Dust Devil>Doub…

Also, I love the Corsair Costume.

They do ?
The friend I play with is a Corsair 3 and never makes me crash ‘-’

Not sure what combination of skills or classes or whatever, but it happens.

The day before yesterday I and a friend had a hellish time trying to finish a run of dun 260, we had a carry so the corsair didn’t need to do a thing, but every time he put down the flag and started using skills the client freeze, my friend was having VGA error.

Is your Corsair friend also a Barbarian?
Currently there is a glitch that makes people game freeze when Cleave is used, half of the times.

All in all, I think this patch broke many more things, these new skill attack effects crash players randomly and the game is FPS-dropping way more than before.


Not my friend, a random player, but I didn’t check either what classes he got, it might be a possibility.

And yes, they break more than fix things, this is natural for them.

In all honesty, if it was my work, I would feel freaking ashamed to present a work in this state.

In Telsiai at least it seems to be the meta. I rarely see any other Fencer3 build.

@guitarlover00123 As long as their build allows it, I think people pick Corsair C1 due to how it enables their PVE build to be viable in PVP. Besides Fencer3s, I’ve seen Dopel3s do this too. It’s a good filler overall if you tend to use your main as a farmer as well.

Sw3 - Barb - Corsair - Fencer 3

(Provided you don’t get bugged with cleave as per above)

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