Tree of Savior Forum

Corsair 3: Pistol Use Could Use More Love

TLDR Bullet point version at the end.

Pistols are sort of the capstone of Corsair 3. This is emphasized by the singular new skill which requires them.

However, it’s rather hard to contribute meaningfully with that pistol due to it disabling Swashbuckling from Peltasta and not functioning with Corsair 2’s Dual Weapon Assault. To make matters worse, the current animations of Hexen Dropper and Dust Devil both have you punch with the pistol rather than fire it- which just looks plain old silly.

As such, I’d like to suggest a couple of quality-of-life improvements for the Corsair 3 that wishes to actually use the new features of the class.

Pistols and Swashbuckling

This is the biggest problem with pistols right now. Switching to your sidearm from a dagger/shield cancels your swashbuckle, meaning you drop the bonus max agro (dropping the mobs), lose the bonus HP from the attribute, and possibly even lose the taunt agro as well!

This makes it really hard to use pistols in group play.

As such, I would adore getting Pistol-and-* added to the list of gear combinations that work with Swashbuckling. It would be a great improvement to the enjoyment of the class.

If the animation is customizable for Pistol-based Swashbuckling, I would like Pistol Swashbuckling to have the character fire the gun into the air twice instead of beating it and the character’s main weapon together (as per the current animations). However, should that prove to be what is preventing the ability for a player to use Swashbuckling with a pistol, I would much rather have a sub-par animation than not have the ability at all.

Pistols and Dual Weapon Assault

In spite of DWA being a Corsair skill, it does not work with pistols. While this could be seen as compensation to dagger-using Corsairs for Pistol Shot being unusable, this mostly serves to discourage progressing to Corsair 3 entirely. Since the primary reason to go Corsair 3 is the pistol, missing out on your primary DPS ability is quite a high tax- and many would rather go into a different class because of it.

As such, I would like to request Pistols be allowed to be used in DWA in some capacity.

I suspect part of the reason why it’s not enabled for pistols is because of the issue with targeting. Thus, I would like to suggest that pistols in DWA merely match the hitbox of the main hand as if the main hand instead of acting as a ranged attack. For justification, you’re rapidly firing at point blank rather than carefully taking aim to hit a target at a distance.

Of course, simply dropping the range entirely for the duration of DWA would be much worse than lacking DWA, so if you do go this route, make sure the range reduction only applies to the chained shots!

Hexen and Dust with Pistols

I seem to recall older videos having the pistol actually fire in these moves, rather than be punched with. Even if my memory is incorrect, I would greatly appreciate having the pistol fire. It would make the attacks a lot more visually impressive, as well as avoid the very silly “pistol punch” effect it currently has.


  • Enable Pistols for Swashbuckling

  • Enable DWA for Pistols

  • Pistol Swashbuckling should be firing into the air (if possible)

  • Dust Devil should fire the pistol instead of punch with it

  • Hexen Dropper should fire the pistol instead of punch with it