Date and Time : (GMT-4) 08/20 24/07/2024
Server Name: [SA] Silute Server
Team Name: Blooddrunk
Character Name: Miria / Zephon (i dont dare to enter another character for fear of this happening)
Bug Description : im a returning player yesterday everything was fine, today i reset two character classes the same as yesterday but when i went to do some quest i noticed that the buff cooldowns are 1 hour long. I logged out if it was just a visual issue and when i logged in the cooldown increased 1 more hour after i started to trying to reproduce the bug and just using skills sometimes you get the hour CD, changing map is another added hour.
Steps to reproduce the issue :
- Doing a skill
- Changing maps
- Logging out and in
Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) : yesterday controller, today Keyboard
- CPU : AMD Ryzen5 3600
- RAM : 16 GB DDR4 @3200mhz
- Graphics Card : AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT
- Mainboard : Gigabyte X570 GAMING XX
- Storage : Crucial P1 M.2 PCIe 1TB
- OS : Windows 10
- Country, Region : Chile
Screenshots / Video :
(attach screenshots or videos regarding the bug)