Tree of Savior Forum

Converted Pricing Doesn't Seem to Match

can someone confirm that the “Exclusive Access 1” on steam is what it seems to be?

i’m confused with the locally converted price of the pass, i’m from PH and the pricing goes like:
Exclusive Access 1 - 1239.95
Exclusive Access 2 - 759.95

converting it back to $, that would roughly be $27 and $16 respectively
is the original price of $49.99, $29.99, and the missing $9.99 not in USD?


sorry, i’m not able to buy you your access since i don’t have the capability to do international money transfers, and even if i can, i won’t, i don’t want to be responsible with your money and there could be a lot of bad things that can come with that, so sorry for the people asking me to buy them their early access pass

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lucky you, id get it right away ^^ in euros its expensive. €46

cost me $55 Canadian.

straight conversion would be $65-68

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Man… Just be happy and buy it… I would do that at spot.

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so i guess this is the real life… buying

thanks guys

Dang, lucky you. I’m trying to get a British friend of mine to buy it for me since that will cost me 40 euros instead of 46. And here you are, buying it for such little money

Steam updates the price depending where you live and sometimes thing wll be cheaper than the original prices

My question is: How they arrive at such prices when its not even close to the current exchange rates.

its strange how small of a margin the UK pack 1 vs 2 is in price. its like only 8 pounds over 20 dollars. im pretty happy with the conversion from pounds to dollars. with pack 1 being 29.99 :slight_smile:

i’ve learned from my friends that steam purchases here are always relatively cheaper, but that discrepancy is too big in my opinion, not that i’m complaining, it’s like a permanent steam sale

:frowning: is it possible to ask my friend to gift the pack to me if he lives in another country?

I wonder what happens when someone gifts the founder pack then when considering currency exchange?

i’m waiting for one of my friend from another country to tell me how much the converted value is from his side so we can decide who will buy 2 passes and gift the other one, gifting is possible

but this notice is on the gift delivery:

Notice: Gift purchases for Founder’s Server : Exclusive Access 1 can only be added to the gift recipient’s library if they are in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand or Viet Nam.

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lol yeah that was my thinking too when he said it was only $20ish for him =P I’ll still buy it at our price anyway just to make sure they get their support… but the thinker in me makes me wonder o.o And what’s worse it makes me wonder about people who will log into steam and find a way to purchase at those prices (idk, proxy or download the steam client for that region + proxy or something lol or all that with a new account for the region and gift to their original account =P)

Possibly to avoid resellers imagine if you buy at 27 dollars and sell to everyone for 45

It seems that purchasing power parity is taken into consideration for the steam conversion rates.

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may i know where you found this msg? i couldn’t find it anywhere

Steam Gift Delivery when you click “Purchase as a gift” from your shopping card

interesting…i dont have that infomation pop up, maybe cuz i live in US?

Steam suggests currency conversion when you post a software. It’s up to the devs to accept it, but they generally do as they can’t spend a team to research about each market and see what brings better profit.

And just to remind, it’s not as simple as “hey, it costs less there!”. For an example here in brazil it costs 4 times more compared to our wages. It’s being sold for half the price compared to the US. This means, IMC is getting less money (not really because they are selling much more) at the same time it’s a big hit for brazilians money.