Tree of Savior Forum

Considering Returning, Update me!

Hey I used to play alot I’m considering coming back or restarting.
I understand all this Rebuild stuff but how is it fairing, are you happy with the changes did it solve any problems.
How is archer specifically? And Mergen
Is it worth my time coming back?

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Better wait for the 420 cap update in 2-3 months, the current state of the servers is pretty bad, be it bugwise, playerbasewise or balancewise.

It will also become more easy to gear up then (legendary gears drop from fields and velcoffer raid no longer requires reopening cubes to get additional materials;
also, entries will be team-based for most instances so you can get more loot for less investment)
and prices will drop considerably once there are less time&silver sinks preventing the market from being flooded with items.

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I stared my retirement from December 2016 and came back around October 2018. So far game wise it’s a lot more enjoyable compare to back then and optimization is way better. That is for me.

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Except leveling and hitting gear cap does still take a fair bit of time, and if they start now they’ll be in a better position to begin saving and affording the new stuff as it comes out, rather than starting in 2-3 months, and then being behind everyone else.

Mergen is good. Ranger falc mergen is popular, it’s also exceptional.

It is faster and more efficient to level, gearing up is fairly easy. There are still a few bugs however since Rebuild that are very slow to be resolved.

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