Tree of Savior Forum

Consecutive / successive hits Spearman Nightmare! ** NEED TESTERS **

i have invested about 700k , on the same spear … now the price is dropping yes… but QQ

Thrust I believe it should be as pierce , one big blow and % chance to have another one. which according to my understanding the second hit of Thrust should be ( First hit Damage - defence ) , it will be lower for sure but not 90% lower.

No thrust is really just a chance to have the damage show up as 450 + 50, rather than 500.

The total damage doesnt change.

Activates consecutive attacks when using [Thrust] by 1% chance per attribute level.

from the English I understand when you do use the skill u will have consecutive attacks , means after the attack.

You are totally right @EternalDream about what is happening in the game but I believe the tooltip of the skill is not stating that .

we need Dev support here XD

@EternalDream the Bonus Damage from Spear is it added flat after all the calculation or added with the physical damage before subtract defence?

If you mean trident spear, no idea. If you mean normal spears which have like “+X damage on medium enemies”, then that’s added after defense/crits etc, in the same place the formula adds elemental attack.

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I see thank you ! and thanks again for the fast reply !

His 2hd Spear attack 167-219
1hd spear 62-73 + Bonus Medium 12, Large 24
Even with bonus, 2hd Spear supposed to be have more damage than 1hd spear.

yes I totally Agree… should be minimum of 2x damage , not about 10-5% damage =.="