Tree of Savior Forum

[Complaint] Where are all my complainers at?

Something occurred to me today, where are all of the people that were raging over a 3 month EA at?

Where are all the people that were raging over $50 USD for EA?
Where are all the people DoSing the EA announcements?
Where are all the people that were flagging the Steam page?
Where are all the people who were throwing insults and profanity around?

Why are they not doing the same about the 1:1 trading restrictions?
Is no 1:1 trading not as damaging to the game as a 3 month EA would have been?

All of the complaints about 1:1 trading restrictions seem much tamer than the complaints about a 3 month EA. I would think they should be much worse. Unless most people think putting 1:1 trading behind a paywall actually isn’t as bad for the game as I think it would be?

Unfortunately, this thread is the best complaining I can do :worried:.
I don’t have the same lack of a soul the announcement flaggers and some of the other 3 month EA protesters have.

So, soulless people, where did you go?!

i found one here! /30char

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Translation: “I just came here because i was lonely.”


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Yes. (imo, granted there is 1:1 behind paywall — i’m more upset on trade restrictions to our own characters.)

that or the no 1:1 was their death knell
In which case may they rest in peace. :pensive::pray:

tbh complainers for this will come out of the wood works as soon as the game is live

[Suggestion] Make trading available at level 300

Numerous threads have been made, but IMC isn’t exactly communicative; but this thread isn’t exactly helping them see the unrest over poor decisons.
Some of these threads have lots of thought put into them like ridlyco’s License System suggestion, so avoid making pointless meta-threads and participate in the discussion!

I feel like you are probably right.
I guess a 3 month EA is something that had to be changed asap before it could start, whereas the devs can technically wait until the game is released before changing the core functionality restrictions.

I know, and the staff REALLY need to read that thread because it seems to be the only solution people can agree on.

That thread is so tame though. Everyone is agreeing and working towards a solution. Where is the RAAAAGE?! Where is the ■■■■ ■■■■ IMC ■■■■ ■■■■!!! That we saw when they announced a 3 month EA?


They need time and properly answer to give opinion of their whole team, not personal answer of some staff.

Did someone ask for some spam?

All right, I’ve probably promoted this enough, now.

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EU server asap please.

No! You are complaining about the wrong thing! Staff are already discussing an EU server, as far as I know they are not discussing revising 1:1 trading restrictions yet.

I am going to quote Julie here,

One thing at a time. Small baby steps. Don’t eat the whole cake in one bite.

We are here, but now we have some polices here… (ADM)

And i don’t like this 1:1 trade restriction too, it’s a lame, who does not pay will live in a country like North Korea, living with a life full of restrictions, pretty sad.

It’s harder to complain about things that most people actually eat up. I’d rather shoot myself in the foot to avoid the proverbial effect I would bring by complaining about a bunch of things that I don’t like, particularly what has happened between iCBT2 and iOBT/Release

Lets compare a multi million dollar company to a small time one, trying to stay on the surface. Great point son.