Tree of Savior Forum

Compiliation: Wizard bugs and problems

– As there are tons of new bugs etc. I thought of posting some sort of compiliation and everyone is free to add. I’ll focus on Warlock and a general problem. –

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) : after rank-8-patch

Server Name: Fedimian

Team Name: Ethiliel

Character Name:

Bug Description :

  • Warlock cricle 2 skills are either totally bugged or useless by design. There is noone who uses them or even puts skill-points into them.

  • Wizards deal 1 damage to monsters in 290 dungeon. (Aside from Mastema and Meteor (which is useless) all Wizards-skills have too low base damage and no real multiplyer or MagicDefense-debuff remotely compareable to Physical-Def-debuffs. Thus the extrem magic def. of those monsters is either a bug or a problem by design.)

If this is a bug, please fix it ASAP. If it is intended, think about it again.
(also cf. [Intel] New Warlock Skills and Attributes )

  • Casting Invocation (still) freezes the caster for about 2 sec. or so.

  • The Invocation-attribute “Deliver” only applies to Dark Property-damage and not for dark-element skills (like Invocation)… I would normally suppose that this is a bug because it doesn’t make any sense to put such a useless attribute on a rank 7 skill.
    As Invocation still doesn’t have it’s own %-damage-attribute, maybe this useless one was supposed to be it? (Dark Theurge’s attribute doesn’t count for the spirits of Invocation.)

Steps to reproduce the issue :

Screenshots / Video :
(attach screenshots or videos regarding the bug)

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) :


  • CPU :
  • RAM :
  • Graphics Card :
  • Mainboard :
  • Storage :
  • OS :
  • Internet Connection :
  • Country, Region :
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Sorry but this is game design such that you can’t just Ele3 to win anymore.

I’d be okay with Ele3 not being totally OP like it was during rank7, but all except 1 of this class’ skills doing 1 damage? You think that’s balanced?

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Yes because now you need physical and magical dps in a party.

No? Why would you need a magical DPS when they do 1 damage to mobs?

You don’t need wizard dps anymore. Lol

Wizard still has better AoE for anything that has no high magical defense. And also utility like Lethargy and Sleep even as Wizard 1.

Already trumped by SW lv15 retreat shot.
Unlike retreat shot frost cloud cant do anywhere near 15k/tick

Right, FC does 2-3k damage if you maange to break the MDEF threshold, while swordies and arches don’t even need to worry about DEF threshold and do more damage.

Also, you’re describing a SUPPORT wiz.

funny thing is the warlock rank 2 spell drain deals more dmg if it is lvl 1 but less on lvl 5 - so 99% sure it is a bug, but don’t excpect a fix for that before 2017.

That sounds way to bad… 1 damage, sounds more like a “bugg”.

Well in the new 290 Dungeon, Link doent work properly either.
4 sec. hagman feels more like 1,5 seconds of it (or fails and nothing is knotted)
Some mobs resist Link. (yeah, great ._.)

Fleshcannon still does some damage, at least on some maps. which is nice.

I get laggs and freezes since I changed to Necro 3, whenever a nice Cleric casts Divine Might on me.
I died a lot of times because of this. As I can see, everytime I get DM, my fps drops down to 0-1 and my ms is like 1200…
<-< I guess it is because of the Sekeltons, who cant be Higher as skill 5…

Server : Are you having skeletons?
Client : yes I have
Server . What skill level?
Client no response
Sever. well 5 is max… so I guess 5
Client : 6 !!! Divine Might active, yo!
Server: wait what? freeze
Client: wait what?! freeze
Server : …
Client : …
Server : 5 it is!!!
(EVERY DAMN time some castst DM on me…)

I don’t think it’s a bug, it’s flawed design. Ktos has the same MDEF values, people complained a lot there, but we’re still waiting for some changes/fixes/buffs.

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